April 14, 2022

Actors, train for free, get cast, get paid, Join the Team

Confidential Las Vegas, Nevada

COACH TO CAMERA PROGRAM We are fully funded by the Actor Film Ensemble a Nevada nonprofit corporation. Now training actors in Las Vegas and then casting them to make great movies Training The Best Possible Way, actually making movies The “Short Film Training” Production program In our free team based nonprofit program “Coach To Camera” you train as you shoot movies. Our training revolves around in class instruction by an acting coach with 33 years of experience combined with actual short films written for the actors and directed by one of four professional film companies. If your skills are, or evolve to the level of professional production the film will be matched with a full professional marketing program. There is nothing like this any where in the country and we keep the number of members small to make sure you have the opportunities you are looking for.

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