Sept. 30, 2024

'Glass Stars'

CatheXis Films Seattle, Washington

In a future where most of humanity lives underground and inside a simulated Earth, a global cyberattack leaves Earth’s population in ruins, forcing the sim's creator, her wife and ragtag band of survivors to do whatever it takes to save what’s left of mankind from total destruction. Production DISCLAIMER: This project contains LGBTQIA+ themes, as well as religion, and does include both same-sex and opposite-sex intimacy scenes (NOT required for the table reading but WILL be required of the talent who are cast as Lily and Elinor, Ava and Faraday, and possibly Naomi Strayer as well when we are ready to film the pilot). We are currently seeking cast members to perform a table reading of an award-winning sci-fi tv pilot script called "Glass Stars: In Inceptum Finis Est" based on the eponymous novella by Katharyn R. King, which will be livestreamed from Seattle’s Center Theatre on January 6, 2025 and feature Augmented Reality elements. Actors from outside WA state may have their flights + hotels *up to 2 nights* paid for by the production. Seattle and WA residents may also request fuel cost reimbursement up to 100 miles total at a rate of .59 per mile.

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