Aug. 18, 2024

'Out of the Slaughterhouse,' Actors and Crew

New York Film Academy NEW YORK, New York

Casting and seeking crew for "Out of the Slaughterhouse," a short film. Production states: "My names Janae Moore and I will be shooting a short film this upcoming September and I'm on the hunt for a Cast and Crew! 'Out Of The SlaughterHouse' is my Intermediate Short Film at NYFA, wrapping up my first year of study in the 2 Year Conservatory program. It's based on the novel 'Slaughterhouse Five' or 'The Children's Crusade' by Kurt Vonnegut; a military science fiction story set in and after the events of the 1945 bombing of Dresden Germany during the Second World War. This film for me largely serves as an exploration of the experience of PTSD, something I have personally grappled with and is.a central theme in the novel.

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