Oct. 9, 2024


Cunning Folk Theatre Boston, Massachusetts

Stories, a adaptation of Yitzhak Leib Peretz’s 1898 story מעשׂות (mayses/Stories), first published in his ‘מעשיותבוך’ (Maysesbuch/book of stories), is a story about hearing, remembering, and creating stories. (You may be sensing something of a theme here.) Adapted from a new translation by Giovanna Truong and Ruthie Davis, this play touches on themes of memory, community, and the power that narratives can have on how we view ourselves and the world around us. It will be workshopped by the cast and creative between the late fall and early spring and then rehearsed for two performances at Boston Centre for the Arts’s Plaza Black Box Theatre on Sunday, May 26 2025, as well as a local educational or religious venue in April or early May (to be scheduled in accordance with actor availability).

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