Collaborative School of the Arts at Capital Repertory Theatre (theREP) seeks an experienced director who is a dynamic teacher and engaging leader for the 2025 Summer Stage Young Acting Company's production of "The Wizard of Oz." The program is led by a team of theatre professionals with the support of Proctors and theREP staff. • Direction of show, corresponding meetings and activities with all technical personnel • Development and implementation of innovative, age-appropriate enrichment activities and projects taking into consideration youth needs and abilities, including but not limited to: theatre games; basic theatre terms/etiquette; creating and implementing a warmup routine; acting techniques; movement for the stage; voice for the stage; character building • Promotion of positive character development in all youth • Accountable for ensuring an emotionally and physically safe environment for youth that meets all compliance and safety requirements set forth by the organization • Creates and distributes schedule of all activities and ensures appropriate record keeping for shows as well as reporting of youth attendance, In collaboration with the Associate Artistic Director at theREP and Artistic Director of BTTUNY • Ensures youth and their families are properly informed and prepared for all special events in coordination with Proctors staff • Informs Education Programs Manager of pertinent site information, including any challenges in fulfilling responsibilities • Works with the design team, hired by the co-producers; in the full production of the Summer Stage Program's production of "The Wizard of Oz" • Coordinates with Collaborative School of the Arts staff and co-producers for the program • Establishes duties, roles and oversight of apprentices and interns • Runs rehearsals and provide feedback to creative team, designers and actors to ensure artistic quality in acting and performance elements and design execution • Attends a two-day orientation, Saturday Morning Welcome Breakfast for the students and their families and all performances of the production • Works in coordination with theatre administration to create content for Playbill and contribute to create proper promotional materials for the show. Qualifications: • Minimum two years experience in performing arts and working with youth required • Understanding of how to direct a show for middle school youth • Passion for Collaborative School of the Arts at theREP's mission and youth development • Teaching and program management experience preferred. • Program runs from July 7 to July 25, Monday - Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
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