Sept. 1, 2024

Trip To The Moon

Backstage NEW YORK, New York

Casting "Trip to the Moon," a dark comedy feature film with a steampunk/Victorian aesthetic. Synopsis: While an evil force influences the people of Earth, Abraham Lincoln and his associates fight for freedom in a world gone mad. The shoot will take place on location and on studio green screen. The film is a historical mashup set in a modern-day, alternate version of 1862 during the time of the Civil War and pokes fun at the culture of discrimination of the period, such as the rationalizations held by slave owners, inequality and attitudes towards women, the stereotypes of gay men and the religious mindset that is used to rationalize that prejudice, all while telling a dramatic story which includes Abraham Lincoln trying to fight back against such fear and hatred. Actors applying MUST be okay with being in a film that includes these themes as well as adult sexual situations, violence and over the top offensive/discriminatory/racist language as depicted by some of the 19th century characters.

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