Casting "Irreplaceable," a short film. Synopsis: Norman Ives is a tinkerer who likes to restore old music boxes from an age the world has left behind. In a world where most people have recycled their old bodies for new ones, he is reluctant to replace the one that has carried him through his sixty-t...
Casting "Normousbutt, Maya," a satirical comedy sketch, in vein of Brandon Rogers, which explores and commentates on such trends like the risque TikTok’s Big Bank and No Nut November. The sketch is centered on a confident and seductive woman who enjoys playfully ogling other women's behinds, all whi...
Casting "Tripped Up," for all roles in our latest coming-of-age Halloween film. The script is still being finalized, so you may notice it cuts off towards the end, but an updated version will be available very soon. In the meantime, read through the current script and make sure you’re familiar with ...
Casting Billy Joel & Patsy Cline biopic musicals. Production states: "ColaboArts is reviving the classic venue formerly known as "The Rock Palace" in the heart of San Diego! Starting as a ballroom in 1928, then becoming a punk venue in the 80's, the 100-year-old location is now home to two groundbre...
We are looking for one brilliant actor, who can convey a wide range of emotions, has the ability to think on their feet and has chemistry with our LEAD. We are also looking for: !, we need one WIG for the lead. Scraggly and slightly overgrown longish hair is what we are looking for. Also must have e...
Casting "Frenemy Fire," an action drama independent feature film. Production states: "For release on Streaming Platforms. Writer with 10 years of television experience and 3 years of professional streaming."...
Casting Call: Sexy Bartender for Upcoming Production Job Description: Caballero Casting, LLC is seeking an attractive male actor to portray a Sexy Bartender in an upcoming production. Previous bartending experience is a significant advantage. Job Responsibilities: Perform basic bartending actions on...
Casting Kids Ages 9-17 for Birthday Party Scene in Heartstrings Job Description: Caballero Casting, LLC is seeking children ages 9-17 to appear as extras in an exciting birthday party scene for the upcoming production Heartstrings. This is a great opportunity to gain on-set experience and be part of...
Casting Hispanic Boys for Playground Scene in New Orleans Job Description: Miami Talent Casting is seeking Hispanic boys, aged 8-12, for a non-speaking role in a production filming in New Orleans. The role involves playful and energetic scenes in a playground setting, requiring natural expressions o...
Casting character actors with improv experience for an immersive company party. Costuming and transportation from NYC provided. Casting priority will be given to talent that are available for both dates. Timeline is as follows: Tues, Dec 3rd 9:00am - 11:00am Travel from NYC Manhattan to Bridgewater,...
Casting "Shattered Silence," a student short film. Seeking actors for the roles of the Mother and Father, parents struggling to understand their teenage daughter's battle with bipolar disorder....
Casting lead romantic interests for an upcoming original scripted TV series, centered around a young woman's modern life in New York City. Selected scenes will be filmed as part of a pitch to a major production network. Actors will be considered for roles in the official production....
The company is seeking talent for Sprite commercial. See the details below. Rate: $1,000 Additional info: Location: Miami Shoot Date: DEC 2 When applying, please send pictures and contact if avail....
Casting 'Little One', a Latinx horror film that focuses on universal themes of family and trauma told through a terrifying, but unique lens....
Everyone on set must sign an agreement stating that they do not have any symptoms of, nor have been knowingly exposed to Covid-19. We have created hundreds of fictional viral videos about life, business, and relationships that relay positive messages for a global audience. Ethnicities: All ethniciti...
Casting "The Part," a student film. Synopsis: Follows Eleanor Reynolds, a young actress struggling with self-doubt as she faces her former co-star, the successful Sophia Jackson, before an important audition. As Eleanor battles her insecurities, she ultimately learns to trust herself and embrace vul...
Casting Call: Teen Boys to Portray Villagers Job Description: Ahart Casting is seeking teen boys to portray Hispanic villagers in an upcoming project filming in Santa Clarita, CA. This is a fantastic opportunity for young actors to gain experience on a professional set. Job Responsibilities: Able to...
Casting a charismatic, cool, and elevated male in his forties to seventies for this role....
Casting "Sincerely Brad," a short film starring Emmy nominated actor Patrick Walker. Brad finds himself dealing with an internal battle when being asked to go to the moon in the middle of his wife's pregnancy, what decision will Brad choose?...
Casting and seeking crew for "Charcoal". Logline: John, an American soldier in WWII, slowly loses his mind and is visited by apparitions after his entire squad is killed. Production states: "'Charcoal' was originally shot in 2021, rewritten in 2023 and 2024, shooting with additional crew and product...
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