Casting and seeking crew for "Drug," a student film aimed at warning people to stay away from drugs. Synopsis: The story follows an outgoing young woman who dreams of becoming a writer. One day, she accidentally takes drugs after being persuaded by others. At the same time, her writing suddenly gain...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
Seeking dependable actors and actresses for Urban Comedy Feature....
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
Seeking dependable actors and actresses for Urban Comedy Feature....
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
About the project: "A CASE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD" SYNOPSIS: Ryan is undereducated, awful with money, and reeling from a painful divorce with the mother of his child, while Keith is polished, financially savvy, and the gay single caretaker of a foster daughter. When Ryan seeks Keith’s help to secu...
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