Casting and seeking crew for "Drug," a student film aimed at warning people to stay away from drugs. Synopsis: The story follows an outgoing young woman who dreams of becoming a writer. One day, she accidentally takes drugs after being persuaded by others. At the same time, her writing suddenly gain...
Casting an actor to work with on character development for Uriel, a father and construction worker who is looking to connect with this son. All footage will be shot in 4K by our award-winning cinematographer and provided for the actor's reel....
Casting "Crossroads," a short film. Synopsis: Follows four different young men from different walks of life, and how everyone's life can be affected by one person's decision....
Casting and seeking crew for "Drug," a student film aimed at warning people to stay away from drugs. Synopsis: The story follows an outgoing young woman who dreams of becoming a writer. One day, she accidentally takes drugs after being persuaded by others. At the same time, her writing suddenly gain...
Casting "Monument," an 11-15 minute long short film that follows the complex grieving process of a guardian as they attempt to resurrect their dead loved one. 'Monument' explores grief and the extent the mind will go to in order to block out trauma and responsibility....
Casting an actor to work with on character development for Uriel, a father and construction worker who is looking to connect with this son. All footage will be shot in 4K by our award-winning cinematographer and provided for the actor's reel....
Casting roles in a scene study from "Fairplay" as part of a directing workshop at American University. This is an opportunity for actors to hone their skills as well as be seen by 15 emerging directors. Once it has been rehearsed, the scene will be presented in class in an open rehearsal process whe...
Casting a scene study from the movie "Booksmart" (2019). This scene will be filmed as an exercise for a film production course, Directing Actors for Camera at American University. Logline: On the eve of their high school graduation, two academic superstars and best friends realize they should have w...
Casting a short film. Two actors starring in a Hollywood Blockbuster begin a fake romance to stir up publicity for their movie. Along the way, lines begin to blur from what's real and fake....
Rate: Playhouse has consistently set the bar for treating the actors with dignity and respect, with equal opportunity casting for all. Further, as a member of Actors' Equity Association, Playhouse strictly follows the union’s rules governing the treatment of actors. If you play an instrument, please...
Casting Equity actors for "Kiss Me Kate."...
Lea and Harrison are in a romantic relationship. Throughout the film, this relationship begins to take a physical toll on Lea as she begins to compromise herself and her well-being to stay with Harrison. Production will likely be in the early winter, however, we are hoping to find our Harrison as so...
Casting a creature actor for "Daddy Is A Hunter," a horror-drama short. Logline: A child psychologist asks a boy about his father's late nights out of the house. A boy does his best to explain that his dad isn't a monster....
Casting Equity actors for "Kiss Me Kate."...
Rate: Playhouse has consistently set the bar for treating the actors with dignity and respect, with equal opportunity casting for all. Further, as a member of Actors' Equity Association, Playhouse strictly follows the union’s rules governing the treatment of actors. If you play an instrument, please...
Rate: Playhouse has consistently set the bar for treating the actors with dignity and respect, with equal opportunity casting for all. Further, as a member of Actors' Equity Association, Playhouse strictly follows the union’s rules governing the treatment of actors. If you play an instrument, please...
Casting a creature actor for "Daddy Is A Hunter," a horror-drama short. Logline: A child psychologist asks a boy about his father's late nights out of the house. A boy does his best to explain that his dad isn't a monster....
Casting a short film. Two actors starring in a Hollywood Blockbuster begin a fake romance to stir up publicity for their movie. Along the way, lines begin to blur from what's real and fake....
Rate: Playhouse has consistently set the bar for treating the actors with dignity and respect, with equal opportunity casting for all. Further, as a member of Actors' Equity Association, Playhouse strictly follows the union’s rules governing the treatment of actors. If you play an instrument, please...
Casting an actor for a fun pop-punk music video. Must be able to either juggle or make balloon animals....
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