Casting Equity actors for roles in "Oklahoma." Synopsis: Oklahoma is set in farm country outside the town of Claremore, Indian Territory, at the turn of the century. The story follows a farm girl Laurey Williams and her courtship by two rival suitors, cowboy Curly McLain and mysterious Jud Fry. This...
Casting an adaptation of the fan-fiction “Hide and Kill,” set after the events of "The Pink Panther" and before "A Shot in the Dark," which humorously explores the initial, quirky relationship between Inspector Jacques Clouseau and his manservant Cato Fong, a man in such a position who needs help to...
Casting, 'Naomi' a 5 minute short film about a teenage girl who sneaks out of the house and comes back to find her mother waiting up for her. They get into a fight but ultimately bond, strengthening their relationship. It will be a one or maximum two day shoot....
Casting for "Dolls" a short film final project for a CCNY masters degree program. Short film will be submitted to festivals and posted online after....
Casting "Love At The End of Lies." Synopsis: On her engagement day, Ava discovers that her fiancé Dylan has secretly misused her savings. Instead of feeling guilty, Dylan and his mother insulted her, prompting her to call off the engagement in anger. In a desperate attempt to raise funds to save her...
Casting high-energy voice actors for online YouTube content. Company states: "This work is remote and can lead to full-time work! This starts part-time but can expand over time, and is flexible regarding hours!"...
Casting, “KILLERVERSE”, A story about a woman who goes back to her hometown to investigate murders occurring around her sister and her friends....
Casting a male talent for a speakeasy Gatsby party....
Casting "The Woodcutter & The Weaver," a folk, sci-fi feature film. This film is being produced through DePaul University. Synopsis: A hardened woman, Em, and her fiancé, Hazel, a lively artisan, live together in isolation after the collapse of modern society. When Hazel begins to experience the tra...
Casting Call for Background Extras in “The Up And Comer” Movie Job Description: ExtraOrdinary Casting is seeking background extras to appear as pedestrians in an upcoming night scene for the film “The Up And Comer.” This is an outdoor shoot in downtown Chicago, and participants must be prepared for ...
Casting for "My Apocalypse," which is a documentary that follows the historical span of end of the world fear and how it has affected our culture....
Casting "The Deponent" a micro-budget noir. Director states: "This will be my 4th feature. Last feature, 'Disposable,' won best thriller at Buffalo Niagara Film Festival and streamed in Prime for several years. Currently streaming in Tubi and YouTube."...
Urgently casting for a one-day production at Boston University. Shooting on Saturday 11/23....
Casting "The Bottom" a short film that is set in a future where society uses AI assistance installed as chips inside their brains, which function is to advice and make life simpler and more comfortable. Arlo is a coatroom attendant who has lost everything. He turns to an Al for a level of assistance...
Casting Call for Real Couples – Commercial Extras Job Description: Michael Druck Casting is seeking real couples to appear in an upcoming commercial shoot in Austin, TX. This opportunity is perfect for couples who are comfortable showing on-screen affection. Job Responsibilities: Requirements: Profe...
The Peacock streaming series in in production around the Stone Mountain area of Georgia and there are many casting notices out for locals who would love a chance to get a small, non speaking role on the show. Casting TaylorMade (Casting™) is searching for background artists to play HIGH SCHOOL STUDE...
The film is about eight senior citizens talking about the turn of the 21st Century and the decades after in an interview on New Year’s Eve, 2099… The younger version of Isaiah, is a young man trying to find his way in the world and think past his circumstances. A younger version of Ming-Na, a young ...
Casting talent dressed as tech employees at their office for corporate shoot with web/social media/ and industrial use. Note: Confirm availability for potential shoot dates listed below. Applicants must be able to self-report to Bay Area shoot location....
Casting "ShoeBox," a student film. He must venture through his gentrified community to keep his newly coveted sneakers on his feet, but he comes face to face with Malik who covets the sneakers that go beyond the white Nike check on his feet. Nate must grow up quick and decide who he is and his place...
Casting "Tripped Up," for all roles in our latest coming-of-age Halloween film. The script is still being finalized, so you may notice it cuts off towards the end, but an updated version will be available very soon. In the meantime, read through the current script and make sure you’re familiar with ...
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