Seeking talent and crew for "DoGTMO."...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Angsty Years," a young adult comedy/drama. Synopsis: Embark on a thrilling journey with Xavier and his loyal friends, Zoe, Janet, Arnold, Elliott, and Aubrey, as they navigate the adventures of adulthood, unlocking their true potential without parental guidance. Wit...
Job Description: We are currently casting for principal roles in an upcoming non-union college commercial. This is an excellent opportunity for actors to showcase their talent in a lead, non-speaking role. The commercial will be filmed in Columbia, SC, and we are looking for actors to portray high s...
Acting Opportunity for AirTalk Wireless The ideal candidates will have good communication skills and the ability to connect with our audience. This position involves recording promotional videos at our store in Southwest Houston, with each session lasting 3 hours... • Must be based in or near Housto...
Acting Opportunity for AirTalk Wireless The ideal candidates will have good communication skills and the ability to connect with our audience. This position involves recording promotional videos at our store in Southwest Houston, with each session lasting 3 hours... • Must be based in or near Housto...
Acting Opportunity for AirTalk Wireless The ideal candidates will have good communication skills and the ability to connect with our audience. This position involves recording promotional videos at our store in Southwest Houston, with each session lasting 3 hours... • Must be based in or near Housto...
We are seeking a talented and expressive child actor aged 9-12 years old for an upcoming Virgin Atlantic commercial shoot in Central Florida. Job Responsibilities: • Participate in a fitting session on July 24th. • Perform in a professional commercial shoot in Clearwater on July 26th and in Orlando ...
Casting and seeking crew for "In Between," a coming-of-age story about three best friends who are trying to enjoy their last "normal" summer.Logline: When Ava and Jack start to develop feelings for each other, it throws off the dynamics of the friend group. Ava, Violet, and Jack must navigate this d...
Casting and seeking crew for Five Eight Films sketches....
Casting and seeking crew for Five Eight Films sketches....
Casting and seeking crew for Five Eight Films sketches....
Casting and seeking crew for Five Eight Films sketches....
Looking for an outgoing and personable employee who enjoys working with kids and being outside! This position entails leading kids through an interactive treasure hunt around the waters of Lewis Bay (Hyannis Port). You will work alongside a small crew and board our ship the Sea Gypsy VIII to deliver...
Looking for an outgoing and personable employee who enjoys working with kids and being outside! This position entails leading kids through an interactive treasure hunt around the waters of Lewis Bay (Hyannis Port). You will work alongside a small crew and board our ship the Sea Gypsy VIII to deliver...
Looking for an outgoing and personable employee who enjoys working with kids and being outside! This position entails leading kids through an interactive treasure hunt around the waters of Lewis Bay (Hyannis Port). You will work alongside a small crew and board our ship the Sea Gypsy VIII to deliver...
Looking for an outgoing and personable employee who enjoys working with kids and being outside! This position entails leading kids through an interactive treasure hunt around the waters of Lewis Bay (Hyannis Port). You will work alongside a small crew and board our ship the Sea Gypsy VIII to deliver...
Looking for an outgoing and personable employee who enjoys working with kids and being outside! This position entails leading kids through an interactive treasure hunt around the waters of Lewis Bay (Hyannis Port). You will work alongside a small crew and board our ship the Sea Gypsy VIII to deliver...
Looking for an outgoing and personable employee who enjoys working with kids and being outside! This position entails leading kids through an interactive treasure hunt around the waters of Lewis Bay (Hyannis Port). You will work alongside a small crew and board our ship the Sea Gypsy VIII to deliver...
Looking for an outgoing and personable employee who enjoys working with kids and being outside! This position entails leading kids through an interactive treasure hunt around the waters of Lewis Bay (Hyannis Port). You will work alongside a small crew and board our ship the Sea Gypsy VIII to deliver...
Looking for an outgoing and personable employee who enjoys working with kids and being outside! This position entails leading kids through an interactive treasure hunt around the waters of Lewis Bay (Hyannis Port). You will work alongside a small crew and board our ship the Sea Gypsy VIII to deliver...
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