Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
The season opens in June with the world premiere of a new translation of "The Mad Bid" by Madame Ulrich (as a reading), continues in July with a fully staged production of "Rossum’s Universal Robots" by Karel Čapek, and closes in November with "The Lucky... Performs July 19-28, AS220. Helena dreams ...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
We are seeking non-union child actors, ages 9-12, to portray students in the upcoming production of "Long Bright River". This is a fantastic opportunity for young, aspiring actors to gain on-set experience in a professional environment and to be part of a dynamic storytelling experience. • Participa...
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