Seeking cast and crew for "Five Star Realtors," a short film. Come be on a fun set in Boulder Colorado with Emmy winning cinematographer Chris Barron, award-winning director Ethan Geiger, and award winning producer Joe Jatcko. We hope to submit this film to film festivals and believe the comedy, the...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
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