Casting "Yard Work," a short film. Synopsis: the story of an Afghani immigrant who moves to the Pacific Northwest and struggles to assimilate until he joins a backyard fight club....
Casting actors for "Mila" Short Film, please see the details below. Rate: Copy, credit, crafty! Additional info: Tentatively scheduled for night shoots on the 24th and 25th, with some flexibility. Should be a ton of fun and a great experience for everyone. Short Thriller....
Casting "A Story of Resilience," a boxing short film inspired by the story of James "Buster" Douglas, whose ultimate test came three weeks before the biggest fight of his life. Synopsis: Young Rotimo's mother's health is declining and desperate to get a large sum of money as quickly as possible, he ...
We’re Casting for a quick short-form film that we will be shooting this Friday (January 10th, 2025) in San Diego! This is a last-minute opportunity, and we’re looking to assemble the cast for a fun and efficient shoot. • Experience Needed: Open to both new and experienced actors If you’re interested...
Casting "The Mutiny," a short film. Synopsis: Selkie, a siren in disguise, infiltrates a pirate crew as they all search for the infamous Gerizon Stone. Both the sirens and the pirates are in desperate need of their powerful properties, and Selkie finds herself torn between helping her siren tribe or...
Casting actors for independent film, please see the details below. Rate: Additional info: Although filming dates are still TBD. Genre: Drama Psychological Location: San Diego Filming Timeline: [TBD, but expected to start in the near future] When applying, please include your headshot, resume, and an...
Casting Call: Background Actors Needed for A24 Feature Film Starring Robert Pattinson and Zendaya Job Description: Join the upcoming A24 feature film starring Robert Pattinson and Zendaya! We are seeking background actors aged 15-17 to portray high school students for various shoot dates in the New ...
The highly anticipated sequel to the beloved golf comedy that helped solidify Adam Sandler’s status as a household name is officially in production. Filming for Happy Gilmore 2 is now underway in the New York and New Jersey areas. The casting directors for the Adam Sandler sequel have announced a ca...
Casting Call for Kids (Ages 6-12) for Dexter: Resurrection We are looking for children aged 6-12 to appear in various scenes for an upcoming episode of Dexter: Resurrection. This is a one-day opportunity to work on a high-profile production and showcase your child’s talent. Job Responsibilities: Por...
Actors needed. Please see the roles below. About the project: Synopsis: "Shoot The Fair One" is a powerful coming-of-age drama about Chuka Okoro, a young African immigrant adjusting to life in New York City. Set against the backdrop of a close-knit African family, this heartfelt story explores theme...
Casting "Into Silence," a Columbia University MFA short film. Logline: The film is about a family coming to grips with losing their mother to Alzheimer's....
Programs are designed to meet the social, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual needs of our residents. - Minimum of one (1) year of experience in a therapeutic recreation and/or senior activities role; experience working with persons with dementia is preferred. - Must be able to transport resident...
Casting Background Talent for "Mrs. Goldberg's First Bris," a short film. Synopsis: During her son's bris, a newly converted Jewish mother grapples with her stern mother-in-law and mounting anxiety upon discovering that the mohel, responsible for the circumcision, has no prior experience. Production...
Casting "AWAKE," a UCLA Senior Thesis Film. Will be a joint production between UCLA and USC film students. Logline: Shattered by the sudden loss of her best friend, a young woman risks everything for one final goodbye — by breaking into a morgue....
Casting "The City of Fallen Stars," a French-American feature film,...
Casting "Veins," a short student film. Synopsis: In a zombie-ravaged post-apocalyptic world, Daniel is intentionally infected with the virus and forced to fight a zombie opponent in a boxing ring for the cure—but his true struggle lies beyond the arena, as he seeks to sacrifice himself to secure a l...
Casting Call for Athletic Men for Promo Video in Los Angeles, CA We are seeking athletic men with a boxer build for a high-profile promo video for a major live streamer. Job Responsibilities: Collaborate with the production team to deliver high-quality shots. Embody the appearance and demeanor of pr...
Seeking talented young actors to star in a dramatic yet uplifting short film with a feel-good tone inspired by classics like "Stand by Me," "The Outsiders," and "The Sandlot." Logline: The story is an endearing and imaginative exploration of friendship and adventure....
Casting actors for "Cut" Horror Film, please see the details below. Additional info: Please see the attachment for flyer. Please apply if interested....
Looking for actors for student short film “Goodbye”. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Please see the details below. About the project: Log-line: Struggling with the loss of his partner, Drew finds solace and a painful path toward healing with the unexpected help of a robot that brings his memor...
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