The highly anticipated sequel to the beloved golf comedy that helped solidify Adam Sandler’s status as a household name is officially in production. Filming for Happy Gilmore 2 is now underway in the New York and New Jersey areas. The casting directors for the Adam Sandler sequel have announced a ca...
Casting Call for Kids (Ages 6-12) for Dexter: Resurrection We are looking for children aged 6-12 to appear in various scenes for an upcoming episode of Dexter: Resurrection. This is a one-day opportunity to work on a high-profile production and showcase your child’s talent. Job Responsibilities: Por...
Actors needed. Please see the roles below. About the project: Synopsis: "Shoot The Fair One" is a powerful coming-of-age drama about Chuka Okoro, a young African immigrant adjusting to life in New York City. Set against the backdrop of a close-knit African family, this heartfelt story explores theme...
Casting "Into Silence," a Columbia University MFA short film. Logline: The film is about a family coming to grips with losing their mother to Alzheimer's....
Job Position(s): ExtrasProject Type: Series Job Date: See Post Compensation: Paid Union Status: Union The HBO spin-off of “Sex and the City,” titled “And Just Like That,” is currently casting extras in the New York City area. In the first series, the friends were in their 30s, navigating life in the...
Casting "Tribulations," an erotic psychological thriller written and directed by Beatrice Barnes. Synopsis: David, a man who's struggling with his masculinity, obsesses over a video of a renowned "porn star", Nomi Star. David then discovers videos of himself with Nomi but has no recollection of ever...
About Twine Twine is a leading platform connecting top-tier freelancers, consultants, and contractors with companies that need creative and tech expertise. Trusted by Fortune 500 companies and innovative startups alike, Twine is the go-to marketplace for mission-critical projects. With a network of ...
Casting actors for "1 in 300 Million," a short film. Log line: A disillusioned office worker copes with his mundane life by daydreaming about winning the lottery, until a chance at change forces him to confront what he truly wants from life....
“Boston” (18-25 years old): All races welcome for an alternate Boston role (same description). Comedic and confident with all body types welcome. Male, female, or gender fluid. Gain exposure by working on a creative project with a dynamic production team....
This role offers a fantastic opportunity to gain experience in the film industry, whether you are an aspiring actor or simply looking for a new adventure. The project aims to authentically represent diverse backgrounds and stories, making it an exciting chance to be part of a creative and collaborat...
An upcoming Netflix, comedy-drama series starring Steve Carell (The Office and The Morning Show) begins filming in Poughkeepsie, NY, in October. Central Casting has a casting call out for Poughkeepsie, NY locals who would like a paid background acting job for a day or two. Netflix’s The Four Seasons...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Bee," a 16-pg short film. Synopsis: Macy spends an evening at home, trying to remember what her plans were....
Casting "Jerk," a Pratt Institute thesis film. Synopsis: A dark twisted coming-of-age, erotic nightmare comedy. Nico, a typical college guy and a bit of a shut-in discovers a porn video with a guy that looks exactly like his best friend, Brad. His attraction to his best friend is exposed and begins ...
Casting "This Is Freestyle" a short drama music film....
This is a Part Time position in the field of Film / Motion Picture Production, located in New York, NY. The position pays $699.00 — $700.00 per day. The ideal candidate should be between 25 and 30, self-confident, and possess unique skills such as playing the classical violin with years of practice....
About Twine Twine is a leading platform connecting top-tier freelancers, consultants, and contractors with companies that need creative and tech expertise. Trusted by Fortune 500 companies and innovative startups alike, Twine is the go-to marketplace for mission-critical projects. With a network of ...
Casting "Nomad," a NYU Virtual Production MPS student film about a nomad searching for time in a post-apocalyptic world....
Casting ''Chaos in Central Park,'' an independent short film. Logline: After waking up with no memory of the previous night, Mark faces a relentless interrogation from his outraged girlfriend armed with humiliating video evidence. As he struggles to recall the truth behind his drunken escapade, the ...
Casting roles in "Red City Lights," a short film. Production states: "Film follows a young woman's experimentation with her sexuality in a city that has no limits. It looks the city's underbelly while our lead tries to understand her own boundaries in an exciting, riske story of self discovery and c...
Casting and seeking crew for "Choice Less with a Choice," a short film. Logline: The film is about a 30-year-old immigrant actress who, after a sudden rage attack, must confront a life-altering decision: choose herself or risk losing everything. The film explores themes of identity, self-empowerment...
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