Casting "Veil of Valor," a University of Miami student short film. Synopsis: As a devoted military wife sends her husband off to deployment, she struggles to maintain her strength for their young daughter, all while concealing a life-altering secret....
Last updated : 2024-10-08...
Casting "Unseen Shadows," a short film. Synopsis: A college student who suspects his roommate of being involved in their past roommate’s unusual departure. A thrilling narrative unfolds—distrust, limerence, jealousy, trepidation, creepy behavior, and a growing sense of dread. Secrets begin to unrave...
Casting a trailer for "Neverland," a student film. Logline: Neverland is feared to be an inescapable land of manifesting fears, and Shawn Coleman is a skilled storyteller determined to escape this tragic story, but as circumstances work against him, he begins to fear the rumors of Neverland may be t...
Ability to work a varying schedule in terms of days and hours, as dictated by business needs. Thirteenth Floor Entertainment Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer that does not discriminate based on actual or perceived race, creed, color, religion, alienage or national origin, ancestry, citizenship...
Casting background actors for "Throw Me Somethin' Mister!" a USC thesis film. Synopsis: Amidst the crude spectacle of Mardi Gras, an ambitious female politician battles to "become a king" in the male-dominated boys' club of Louisiana politics, vying for a vacant Court justice seat that could sway ab...
Casting for "A Place For All," a short film. Short Film (30-second and 1.5-minute versions) Overview: The project aims to showcase how creative teaching, inspired by Turnaround Arts, can transform the learning experience of a struggling student. Noah, disengaged with Math, finds a new connection thr...
Looking to find fellow young filmmakers and actors who are looking to create a name for themselves. I want to create content within our community of different shorts in which we each get to shine (think of rdc or other sketch groups, but this is more film based). I want to make it big and we could a...
Casting "10 Actors Cry for $10,000," a darkly comedic satire where ten actors are pitted against each other in a bizarre and high-stakes crying competition, all for the grand prize of $10,000. Contestants must dig deep into their emotional reserves to out-cry their opponents, while judges critique e...
We are looking for talented Social Media Models & Actors to represent our clients across various social media platforms. Requirements: • Comfortable in front of the camera with a natural ability to engage and entertain. • Ability to take direction and adapt to different brand styles. Preferred Skill...
Seeking a Scottish actor. Saying Scottish phrases as part of a game. Interacting with attendees participating in the Scottish whisky tasting. Etc. - nothing prepared or scripted...
Scare Actor Description The scare actors perform together throughout the haunted attractions to scare and entertain our guests! They wear the assigned costumes and makeup for the character they've been assigned. There are numerous and varied scare spots, ideal for actors of any experience level!...
"Guys and Dolls" the musical needs actors. See the details below. Set in the colorful world of New York City in the mid 20th century, the romantic and funny “Guys And Dolls” is populated with gangsters and gamblers, missionary dolls and scantily clad showgirls, and is one of the great musical scores...
Casting hair models for major hair event in Dallas, TX. Note: Collective is the Agency....
Casting a student short film about the family tensions that arise after Cassidy (18), becomes the only surviving victim of an 80s slasher-style sleepover massacre. Looking for two adults to play Cassidy’s parents, who will drive most of the conflict throughout the film....
Casting male and female actors (aged between 35 to 60) in flooring commercials....
Casting featured and background roles for Season 2 of a network show. These are true crime recreations, based off real people and real events. Production states: "We do not shoot with sound, so there are no lines. We rely heavily on our actors to be comfortable with improv."...
ISO background extras from 12-3 on Thursday October 10th. Need to wear business casual clothing and be outgoing in character. This is a doc showcasing a new science building in Watertown MA. Need to self report to set (we cannot provide rides or gas compensation)...
Stories, a adaptation of Yitzhak Leib Peretz’s 1898 story מעשׂות (mayses/Stories), first published in his ‘מעשיותבוך’ (Maysesbuch/book of stories), is a story about hearing, remembering, and creating stories. (You may be sensing something of a theme here.) Adapted from a new translation by Giovanna ...
An ensemble cast that showcases the hustle and strength in the community, where persevering is a way of life....
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