Casting "The Breakup," a short film that explores the darkly comedic reasons behind a seemingly typical breakup. Production states: "This is our team's first foray into making a short film but we have prior experience with scriptwriting and directing music videos."...
Casting for background actors for a corporate video in San Francisco. Dates are June 6th or 7th. Looking for a mix of ethnicities and ages....
Casting for background actors for a corporate video in San Francisco. Dates are June 6th or 7th. Looking for a mix of ethnicities and ages....
Ensures that all logbooks, checklists and other records are completed in a timely fashion. Flush model, which reduces their costs, enhances their productivity and effectiveness to increase speed...
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
In search of actors who relish the creative process of devising theater. Rehearsals will entail devising, improvisation, and collective creation to bring these narratives to life. Additional Information... Auditions will be held on Saturday May 25th 11-2pm in the East Bay. Please prepare 1-2 minutes...
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