Casting "Following Directions," a short film. Synopsis: A school-age African American boy receives unfair treatment because the school system does not take the time to understand him. The film examines implicit bias in education as it relates to the trend of misdiagnosing black boys with learning di...
Casting "Following Directions," a short film. Synopsis: A school-age African American boy receives unfair treatment because the school system does not take the time to understand him. The film examines implicit bias in education as it relates to the trend of misdiagnosing black boys with learning di...
Casting "Following Directions," a short film. Synopsis: A school-age African American boy receives unfair treatment because the school system does not take the time to understand him. The film examines implicit bias in education as it relates to the trend of misdiagnosing black boys with learning di...
We raised a $30 million Series B from Coatue (early backer of Apple, Tesla, and Rivian) and actor Robert Downey Jr (aka Iron Man). cove.tool helps design teams streamline project workflows while...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Angsty Years," a young adult comedy/drama. Synopsis: Embark on a thrilling journey with Xavier and his loyal friends, Zoe, Janet, Arnold, Elliott, and Aubrey, as they navigate the adventures of adulthood, unlocking their true potential without parental guidance. Wit...
Seeking four actors based in Atlanta for corporate role play (half-day) 7 August for insurance company....
Casting "Boys With Earl," a low-budget buddy-comedy film that consists of two high school friends accidentally finding themselves in a gang-affiliated party. Synopsis: As they are leaving, one of the friends gets cornered by the gang and is asked, "who do you know here?" Since they obviously don't k...
Casting "Boys With Earl," a low-budget buddy-comedy film that consists of two high school friends accidentally finding themselves in a gang-affiliated party. Synopsis: As they are leaving, one of the friends gets cornered by the gang and is asked, "who do you know here?" Since they obviously don't k...
Casting "Boys With Earl," a low-budget buddy-comedy film that consists of two high school friends accidentally finding themselves in a gang-affiliated party. Synopsis: As they are leaving, one of the friends gets cornered by the gang and is asked, "who do you know here?" Since they obviously don't k...
Casting "Get Out the Vote," a 30-second commercial to encourage voter turnout in Georgia. Looking for real people. Preference will be given in casting to actors with a real-life connection to their role....
Seeking video submissions from Equity actors for roles in "The Music Man."...
Casting Equity actors for "Amelie the Musical."...
Seeking multiple roles for an upcoming music video for a major artist, telling a narrative style story and the video will feel more like a short film. The theme is based on real love....
Casting "The Ones Before Us," a student film. Logline: Kyle Johnson, 21, returns home from prison for a non-violence offense. Down on his luck and unable to find a job, his ancestor comes to him in a dream to teach him the value of unity and support from his loved ones to help him succeed....
Casting "The Ones Before Us," a student film. Logline: Kyle Johnson, 21, returns home from prison for a non-violence offense. Down on his luck and unable to find a job, his ancestor comes to him in a dream to teach him the value of unity and support from his loved ones to help him succeed....
Casting "The Ones Before Us," a student film. Logline: Kyle Johnson, 21, returns home from prison for a non-violence offense. Down on his luck and unable to find a job, his ancestor comes to him in a dream to teach him the value of unity and support from his loved ones to help him succeed....
Casting "The Ones Before Us," a student film. Logline: Kyle Johnson, 21, returns home from prison for a non-violence offense. Down on his luck and unable to find a job, his ancestor comes to him in a dream to teach him the value of unity and support from his loved ones to help him succeed....
Logline: "Brandon Barnes works with high-intensity as he practices to become a professional football player. At home he works to maintain focus knowing how difficult his future goals will be to achieve." This is a 7-page script shot in 2 days in Atlanta, GA. We need an actor that is physically fit e...
The casting team seeks talent for New Reality Show Makeover Competition. More details are listed below. Additional info: Bring headshots. Location: Atlanta, GA. See the flyer attached. If interested, please apply....
Casting "A Seat at the Table," a short film. Logline: This short is a horror about an unsuspecting prospect must overcome the gruesome tasks of an elite group in order to gain the treasures of their higher power....
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