Casting "The Ballad of Sir Ronald," a short film. Synopsis: In this comedic mockumentary, a man's obsession with "Game of Thrones" reaches new heights as he decides to live-action role-play as a knight full-time. His antics take hilarious twists and turns, culminating in his accidental robbery of an...
Casting "Union In the Rain," a music video that will be created for NYU's Short Commercial Form music video class. The music video will be promoted on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube for the singer. The music video showcases a relationship that unfolds within a train....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
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