Casting "The Flowers," a short introspective drama. Synopsis: Explores themes of disconnection, societal critique, and personal growth. The film follows Monica, a college student, as she navigates a lonely nighttime walk that becomes a journey through her fears and reflections. Production states: "T...
When a group of mischievous teenagers prank-call their neighbor, they unknowingly set off a chain of violent events that threatens their lives and forces them to confront the dark consequences of their actions. Filming in the Dallas area in December 2024. Talent must be able to work local....
Casting actors in Live History shows. Production states: "Are you an actor with a passion for history? Come join us for our 2025 tour in the USA! We’re on the lookout for local actors in West Virginia, Virginia, California, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Texas, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, and Illinois. L...
Additional info: Seeking models, actors, and dancers for an exciting commercial photoshoot for a cutting-edge startup in the wearable tech industry! Looking for individuals who can bring energy and charisma to our campaign, showcasing our range of smartwatches, fitness trackers, and smart glasses in...
Casting a quick short shoot for a Christmas e-bike social media ad. Seeking a man in his mid-60's Santa Claus type, and a woman in her mid-40's....
Casting and seeking crew for "Darkest Betrayal of Love," a LGBT series on Youtube about how a marriage can go wrong and love could be so sweet....
Casting actors for "Villains and Victims" Movie, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: Anitra and Lorenzo Kennedy are a newlywed couple trying to sell the home she once shared with her now deceased husband Collin. Once they get a substantial offer, th...
Casting actors in Live History shows. Production states: "Are you an actor with a passion for history? Come join us for our 2025 tour in the USA! We’re on the lookout for local actors in West Virginia, Virginia, California, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Texas, Kansas, Washington, Oregon, and Illinois. L...
Casting a male talent for a speakeasy Gatsby party....
Looking to cast actors for upcoming production. Please see the details below. Additional info: Date: Saturday, December 7th; Location: Dallas, TX. When applying, please include you headshot, full body pic and acting resume. In subject line put "Big Is Beautiful - (character auditioning for)"....
We will be having auditions on line. We are looking for talent between the ages of 18 & up and who have great personalities and want to pursue work in either modeling, acting, singing, or dancing. They should take direction well. First Name: Last Name: Email: Phone Number: Age: City/State: Auditioni...
Join the two-part globetrotting adventure as a mysterious group forms an uneasy alliance with a young vigilante in order to settle the score and find a mysterious talisman from the past. SEQUEL TO THE FILM LISTED ON THE PRODUCTION WEBSITE....
Seeking an actor with a passion for history to join the production team for their 2025 tour in the USA. Live History is an international theater company that specializes in interactive, site specific performances in historic buildings with elements of an escape room experience. Production is on the ...
Tigers Be Still by Kim Rosenstock Director: Steven Martin Synopsis: Tigers Be Still is a comedy that follows the misadventures of Sherry Wickman, a young woman who recently completed a degree in Art Therapy and is determined to succeed in using art to heal her fellow man. Now if only her mother woul...
Looking to cast actors for a full-length feature film. Please, see the details below. Additional info: Must be able to convey a range of emotions convincingly. Preferably in the Dallas-Ft. Worth the metroplex area. This is a fantastic chance to build your thespian portfolio and gain exposure....
Seeking high-energy character performers for mainly weekend residential and corporate gigs. High hourly rate, characters, storybook, superhero, ''Star Wars'' character appearances and activities....
Actors wanted for "Never Fold" an upcoming film project. See details below. Additional info: Location: Dallas, TX. Each character has a unique personality, background, and role within the storyline, contributing to the intensity and depth of the film. To be considered, please apply....
Performs skits or plays solo or with other actors. Welcome and acknowledge all guests according to company standards; anticipate and address guests’ service needs; assist individuals with disabilities; thank guests with genuine appreciation. Develop and maintain positive working relationships with o...
Casting an actor and actress to portray a couple reconciling in a mellow pop music video about the transition into fall/autumn. Intimacy is limited to hugging. The video will be uploaded to YouTube and shared on social media....
Mystery's Most Wanted, Pittsburgh, Pa longest running (Since 1995) and #1 Comedy Improv dinner theater is coming to Dallas! Auditions for these paying gigs are being held on Monday Oct 8th in Arlington, TX. Looking for actors and actresses 21 + with with strong comedic improv background. Singing a P...
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