Casting "Whirlpool," a short romance, a coming-of-age film about a toxic relationship. Logline: A college couple almost ends their relationship again after a continued series of fights. Synopsis: A 20-year-old college student, Eric, visits his “girlfriend” Delphine for a seemingly pleasant overnight...
Casting "Dark Tide," a short film. Synopsis: In this coastal gothic short, a young black woman’s pain and anger over her friend's betrayal accidentally conjure ocean spirits with haunting power....
Casting and seeking crew for Gallows Hill Museum Theatre's fall 2024 run of "The Lost Museum Haunted Adventure," an interactive, walk-through attraction filled with a variety of special effects. This is an elevated version of a guided haunted house. Guests must escape the abandoned rooms of a myster...
The surrealist, extreme horror movie, "Moth Light," an Emerson College student thesis film, is casting actors! Synopsis: With no one to turn to, a young woman attempts to rekindle a relationship with her estranged grandfather, leading her to a harrowing familial truth and an irreparable fate....
Casting "Growing Pains," a 15-minute heart-warming and heartwrenching dramedy, produced for Boston University's Production 3 class as an honors senior thesis film. Synopsis: Amid the throes of her family's divorce, a 12-year-old faces the worst beast known to girl: her first period. Directed by Elle...
Casting for "Imposters," an independent indie SAG-AFTRA-MLB...
Seeking diverse models to showcase three stunning, high-fashion garments inspired by the elegance and strength of fencing in a high-fashion studio photoshoot, where couture meets fencing. Each piece tells the story of a powerful woman, blending 18th-century nobility with cutting-edge design. Product...
Casting "Notorious Nymphs Never Die" a pilot film to kick off a larger series of mixed media. Synopsis: A group of vigilante's kidnaps a police chief's son in a revenge driven, ransom thriller where everything that can go wrong, does. I apologize for the many delays, the pre production crew is just ...
Casting "Notorious Nymphs Never Die" a pilot film to kick off a larger series of mixed media. Synopsis: A group of vigilante's kidnaps a police chief's son in a revenge driven, ransom thriller where everything that can go wrong, does. I apologize for the many delays, the pre production crew is just ...
Job Summary We are seeking a talented Actor to join our team. We are creating a cybersecurity movie focused on educating the public about cybersecurity attacks faced by individuals,students and small scale companies.The ideal candidate will have a passion for performing arts and engaging with audien...
Please see the details below. They will be shooting content for various short-form videos, that will be used in organic and paid social media marketing efforts. Rate: $100-150 depending on your role. Food will be provided. Additional info: When: Wednesday, September 4, 2024 The shoot will go all day...
Casting "Viewpoint," a psychological thriller about a man uncovering the mystery behind his vanished wife....
About the project: Mary struggles to rebuild her life after serving time in prison for a tragic car accident that left her son, Sam, in a wheelchair. Leah, seemingly offering a friendly ear, engages Mary in conversation and suggests they take a drive together. Unbeknownst to Mary, this encounter set...
Casting Equity actors for roles in "The Spitfire Grill."...
Calling all Actors and Drama Graduates who are looking to work with young people in Hungerford! We are working closely with Secondary schools in Hungerford who find that most of our teaching assistants and teachers from Drama backgrounds do really well to quickly build rapport with young people. Thi...
Casting and seeking crew for "This Is Not a Fight Club," an addiction awareness short film. Most of, if not everything in this short is a deliberate message relating to addiction. The Title: The title of the short represents the denial that some experience when facing addiction (The sentence "this i...
Casting Equity actors for Theatre Espresso 2024-25 Season. Season includes: "American Tapestry" (Megan Cooper, Wendy Lement, and Derek Nelson, playwrights; Shelley Bolman, dir. ); "Justice at War" (Mimi Katano, Wendy Lement, and Jordan Winer, playwrights; Shelley Bolman, dir. ); "The Trial of Anthon...
Seeking family actor groups with all levels of experience - novice actors are OK! Can be different types of family units - mom, dad, kids... aunt/uncle, kids... parent + child, etc. for a fun, upbeat family-friendly social media video shoot. Please be local to Norfolk county area or able to easily c...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Day The Knight Died," a short student surreal drama film. Synopsis: A story surrounding a young father’s stages of grief. A roughly 5-page script with about a page of dialogue....
Casting "The Summertime," a feature film....
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