Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting “Roadtrip,” a short film that reveals creative storytelling via a journey in a self-driving car. Two actors will execute acting performance from the front seats of the self-driving car. The story of the short film is constructed via improvisation or Meisner technique. The improvised story mu...
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
Casting "Darkness Deep In The Clouds," a BC thesis film about school bullying. Logline: In an effort to help a friend who committed suicide because of bullying, Emma implements a plan to get the bullies punished....
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