Casting "Swallows," a 90-minute play. Synopsis: When a forgotten scream queen is roped into her D-list boss-boyfriend’s desperate grab at fame, she must choose between exposing a painfully buried truth or preserving the fragile life she's built on its ruins. A darkly comic exploration of stardom's c...
Production states: "Aims to recreate some mix of short Bollywood songs, few classic Bollywood scenes with some American flavor to it. Note: Each of the songs are just .40-.45 secs. The first song will be from the film, 'Veer Zara,' "Main Yahaan hoon" backdrop and a short 35-40 sec. The second will b...
Casting and seeking crew for "Nexus," a psychological, sci-fi horror short film that explores the destructive impact of beauty standards and the toll they take on mental health, thus allowing audiences to reflect on the fragility of self-identity in an age dominated by image and illusion. Production...
Casting background actors for the TV series "Poker Face."...
Casting "En Passant (aka In Passing)," a short film. Synopsis: In the heart of New York City, Britney and James meet for a blind date that quickly spirals into a series of awkward exchanges and unexpected revelations. As tensions rise and banter flows, the arrival of Stacy—an exuberant third party w...
Seeking actors of all ages, genders, and backgrounds with professional training in acting. Ideal candidates will have strong comedic timing, high energy, and the ability to captivate an audience. Each actor will perform for approximately 1 hour per gig, guiding audience members through the experienc...
New York-centric Spec Commercial Campaign, capturing quintessential New York moments, short 00:15-00:30 spots In search of New York residents/actors. No prior acting expirience necessary. Open to individuals of all genders, ethnicities, body types, and backgrounds...
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Hang Time." Synopsis: Three men chew the fat under an old, wide tree. In "Hang Time," we peek into the interiority – the great loves and bitter blues – of Black men in America. Setting the romantic and the macabre in sharp relief, "Hang Time" invites the viewer to...
Looking for casts for "S**t I Am Dreaming", an NYU student five-minute film. The story follows Lee, a weary, middle-aged man navigating the despair of professional failure and personal betrayal....
The company is seeking Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese speaking actors as well as ESL Speaking actors for feature film "Three Flowers". See the details below. With his family en route from Taiwan, Lu must contend with the battlefield that is New York City, and a community that has turned its back on ...
Seeking skilled and enthusiastic performers for December shoot. Nonunion actors only. Performers must be comfortable appearing scantily clad. Snowbirds and salty divas need not apply. No pay, but great item for your reel/resume, and if we like you as a person and your performance in the trailer, you...
Casting background actors for the TV series "Poker Face."...
Professional actor/actress needed to participate in informative social media videos for a healthcare practice. Enthusiasm and acting experience preferred. Filming biweekly in Jersey City. Twenty-five dollars per hour....
Selected talent will participate in interior and exterior scenes filmed in Old Tappan, NJ. This role requires comfort riding a bike on camera, with digital scanning for creating replicas as part of the production process. Job Responsibilities: Follow on-set instructions and demonstrate professional ...
Equity actors for roles in "Dreamgirls" show. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. See breakdown below. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourag...
Non-Union Background Actors with High-End Cars Needed for West Coast Job Details: We are seeking non-union background actors to portray wealthy neighbors with high-end cars for the current season of the hit show West Coast. Filming will take place in Manhattan, NY. Job Responsibilities: Provide your...
MMG Is Currently Accepting New Faces! We are looking for actors and models of all ages! To submit for representation, please include the information below as well as current professional photos. If you do not have current professional images, a number of snapshots are okay. Height: Weight: Clothing ...
Actors will be contracted as Actor/ASMs As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition. PLEASE NOTE: All actors are hired as Actor/ASMs and will be required to load in/load out sets, costumes an...
Casting character actors with improv experience for an immersive company party. Costuming and transportation from NYC provided. Casting priority will be given to talent that are available for both dates. Timeline is as follows: Tues, Dec 3rd 9:00am - 11:00am Travel from NYC Manhattan to Bridgewater,...
Casting "Shattered Silence," a student short film. Seeking actors for the roles of the Mother and Father, parents struggling to understand their teenage daughter's battle with bipolar disorder....
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