Casting "Nuevos Comienzos," a short film by Bryan Garcia. Synopsis: "Nuevos Comienzos," we’ll explore the life of Benito’s mother, Sarah, as she comes to Los Angeles, pregnant and determined to build a better future for her son. Joining her on this journey is her sister, Marisol. The film will explo...
Seeking video editors for the feature film "Kill 'em Now." Production states: "I am the director, lead actor, and producer of "Kill 'em Now," an action-packed feature film set to release in January. We are seeking talented and dedicated full-time and part-time editors to join our post-production tea...
Casting "Alpha Daddy," a new werewolf vertical series for Dramabox....
Casting "Flowers For Tonya." Synopsis: Set in East Los Angeles, this poignant coming-of-age short film follows Adriel, a guarded young man grappling with loss and self-doubt as he struggles to create the perfect Valentine’s gift for his girlfriend. A chance encounter at a flower shop connects him wi...
Casting 'Little One', a Latinx horror film that focuses on universal themes of family and trauma told through a terrifying, but unique lens....
Everyone on set must sign an agreement stating that they do not have any symptoms of, nor have been knowingly exposed to Covid-19. We have created hundreds of fictional viral videos about life, business, and relationships that relay positive messages for a global audience. Ethnicities: All ethniciti...
Casting "The Part," a student film. Synopsis: Follows Eleanor Reynolds, a young actress struggling with self-doubt as she faces her former co-star, the successful Sophia Jackson, before an important audition. As Eleanor battles her insecurities, she ultimately learns to trust herself and embrace vul...
Casting a charismatic, cool, and elevated male in his forties to seventies for this role....
Seeking talent to potentially work in upcoming commercials, movies, and TV shows....
Casting "Love At The End of Lies." Synopsis: On her engagement day, Ava discovers that her fiancé Dylan has secretly misused her savings. Instead of feeling guilty, Dylan and his mother insulted her, prompting her to call off the engagement in anger. In a desperate attempt to raise funds to save her...
Casting high-energy voice actors for online YouTube content. Company states: "This work is remote and can lead to full-time work! This starts part-time but can expand over time, and is flexible regarding hours!"...
Casting, “KILLERVERSE”, A story about a woman who goes back to her hometown to investigate murders occurring around her sister and her friends....
Seeking Equity actors for roles in "CABARET", please see the details below. Rate: 50-seat showcase code - no pay. Additional info: 1st rehearsal: 2/3 1st Preview: 3/13 Opening: 3/15 Closing: 3/29...
Casting a group of young adults and potentially child actors to play out a birthday party scene for the 10-year-old son in our film. "This House Creaks" synopsis: On a search for his parents in the dead of night, a young boy navigates the remnants of a once safe home, watched by the unseen ghosts of...
Casting "To The Sea," a short film that takes place in an oceanfront restaurant in a free Gaza during the rebuild....
We are looking for skilled female actors in the Los Angeles County area to join us in various events, where you’ll portray roles such as work colleagues, family members, and other important figures. These roles are crucial in creating an engaging and dynamic atmosphere at diverse gatherings. Require...
Seeking talent to potentially work in upcoming commercials, movies, and TV shows....
Casting Call: Long-haired Men and Women for Featured Roles Job Description: Alessi Hartigan Casting is seeking Spanish, Latin, and Pacific Islander men and women with long, straight hair for featured and recurring roles in an upcoming project. Job Responsibilities: Participate in costume fittings an...
Company Description Tangible Films Presents is a premium narrative storytelling company for podcasts and podfilms. Join a dynamic team pushing the boundaries of creativity in audio and visual storytelling. $15 per hour Minimum compensation of 2 hours, even if recording is completed sooner Receive a ...
Casting DEARLY DEPARTED, a play opening Jan 17 and running three weekends through Feb. 2 (plus a possible one-weekend extension) at Camino Real Playhouse in San Juan Capistrano, CA (Orange County). There will be no rehearsals the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas. A dysfunctional Southern family g...
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