An upcoming Netflix, comedy-drama series starring Steve Carell (The Office and The Morning Show) begins filming in Poughkeepsie, NY, in October. Central Casting has a casting call out for Poughkeepsie, NY locals who would like a paid background acting job for a day or two. Netflix’s The Four Seasons...
An upcoming Netflix, comedy-drama series starring Steve Carell (The Office and The Morning Show) begins filming in Poughkeepsie, NY, in October. Central Casting has a casting call out for Poughkeepsie, NY locals who would like a paid background acting job for a day or two. Netflix’s The Four Seasons...
Casting a small shoot for a residential building to be used on social and website....
Vertical Short Form ReelShort Production, Non-Union shooting in NYC, local hire only Logline: Hailey is forced to marry the comatose billionaire Samuel, who wakes up and pretends to be paralyzed to reclaim his family business. As he deceives her, he falls in love, deepening their relationship and dr...
**Overview:** We are seeking talented actors and performers to participate in a free web design trade project with Michael Karpienski. In exchange for a social media performative shoutout, you will receive a professionally designed website to promote your work. **Responsibilities:** • Collaborate wi...
Make $22-$45/Hour The Worthwhile promise is that you'll never miss an audition, callback, or paid acting work because of your job with us. You'll pick up shifts only on the days you feel like working, and you can call out for auditions up to the minute before your shift starts. Below is our pay scal...
You can check out our production company's Instagram @alphabetcitylaughs and website. We have a lot in the works as a developing theater and film company and are excited to be growing! REHEARSALS are all in DUMBO, Brooklyn at our studio. Improv Rehearsals: 7-9PM Mondays September 2nd-November 18th S...
You can check out our production company's Instagram @alphabetcitylaughs and website. We have a lot in the works as a developing theater and film company and are excited to be growing! REHEARSALS are all in DUMBO, Brooklyn at our studio. Improv Rehearsals: 7-9PM Mondays September 2nd-November 18th S...
We are seeking an Actor or Actress to play a character role in a new online web series that is still under development. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of an interesting story that allows you to highlight your own individual skills. Your location can be anywhere in the country This is a...
We are seeking an Actor or Actress to play a character role in a new online web series that is still under development. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of an interesting story that allows you to highlight your own individual skills. Your location can be anywhere in the country This is a...
We are seeking an Actor or Actress to play a character role in a new online web series that is still under development. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of an interesting story that allows you to highlight your own individual skills. Your location can be anywhere in the country This is a...
We are seeking an Actor or Actress to play a character role in a new online web series that is still under development. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of an interesting story that allows you to highlight your own individual skills. Your location can be anywhere in the country This is a...
We are seeking an Actor or Actress to play a character role in a new online web series that is still under development. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of an interesting story that allows you to highlight your own individual skills. Your location can be anywhere in the country This is a...
We are seeking an Actor or Actress to play a character role in a new online web series that is still under development. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of an interesting story that allows you to highlight your own individual skills. Your location can be anywhere in the country This is a...
We are seeking an Actor or Actress to play a character role in a new online web series that is still under development. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of an interesting story that allows you to highlight your own individual skills. Your location can be anywhere in the country This is a...
We are seeking an Actor or Actress to play a character role in a new online web series that is still under development. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of an interesting story that allows you to highlight your own individual skills. Your location can be anywhere in the country This is a...
We are seeking an Actor or Actress to play a character role in a new online web series that is still under development. This is an exciting opportunity to be a part of an interesting story that allows you to highlight your own individual skills. Your location can be anywhere in the country This is a...
Casting Equity actors for 2024-25 season. Rehearsals begin Sept. 6; designer run begins Oct. 1; tech begins Oct. 4; runs Oct. 11-Nov. 3; LORT C); "A Christmas Carol" (Charles Dickens, novel as source material; Kevin Moriarty, adaptation; Alex Organ (Diane and Hal Brierley Resident Acting Company mem...
Casting Equity actors for 2024-25 season. Rehearsals begin Sept. 6; designer run begins Oct. 1; tech begins Oct. 4; runs Oct. 11-Nov. 3; LORT C); "A Christmas Carol" (Charles Dickens, novel as source material; Kevin Moriarty, adaptation; Alex Organ (Diane and Hal Brierley Resident Acting Company mem...
Rehearsals are unpaid, the shows are paid. Rehearsals will be 1 -2 times a week focused on the seasonal productions. Education will be a class or workshop. These are subsidized for the actors to cost $15. The first production will be in June, for Pride month....
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