Casting and seeking crew for "Drug," a student film aimed at warning people to stay away from drugs. Synopsis: The story follows an outgoing young woman who dreams of becoming a writer. One day, she accidentally takes drugs after being persuaded by others. At the same time, her writing suddenly gain...
Casting and seeking crew for "Drug," a student film aimed at warning people to stay away from drugs. Synopsis: The story follows an outgoing young woman who dreams of becoming a writer. One day, she accidentally takes drugs after being persuaded by others. At the same time, her writing suddenly gain...
Casting and seeking crew for "Drug," a student film aimed at warning people to stay away from drugs. Synopsis: The story follows an outgoing young woman who dreams of becoming a writer. One day, she accidentally takes drugs after being persuaded by others. At the same time, her writing suddenly gain...
Seeking collaborative, excited, talented actors to portray a variety of characters in over 10 shows done in rep. Company states: " IlluminArt Productions, a Staten Island-based non-profit performing arts company, is seeking collaborative actors who can play between the ages of 15-30 for its professi...
Seeking collaborative, excited, talented actors to portray a variety of characters in over 10 shows done in rep. Company states: " IlluminArt Productions, a Staten Island-based non-profit performing arts company, is seeking collaborative actors who can play between the ages of 15-30 for its professi...
Seeking collaborative, excited, talented actors to portray a variety of characters in over 10 shows done in rep. Company states: " IlluminArt Productions, a Staten Island-based non-profit performing arts company, is seeking collaborative actors who can play between the ages of 15-30 for its professi...
The killer has done so much for Ron in life. Does Ron protect the killer from his mafia uncle? Does Ron choose revenge? Or does Ron listen to his priest and choose forgiveness? Production states: "This film has been in writing for many years now....
The killer has done so much for Ron in life. Does Ron protect the killer from his mafia uncle? Does Ron choose revenge? Or does Ron listen to his priest and choose forgiveness? Production states: "This film has been in writing for many years now....
The killer has done so much for Ron in life. Does Ron protect the killer from his mafia uncle? Does Ron choose revenge? Or does Ron listen to his priest and choose forgiveness? Production states: "This film has been in writing for many years now....
Pair a curriculum acting class with an instrument class to receive a $125 discount Call the Conservatory at 202.232.0714 We invite you to join us this spring for an online semester of time-honored training, including several brand new classes and workshops! • Explore your potential in a beginning ac...
• Get better at your job - ACTING. This will help you clarify and direct your creative energy and time into achieving what you want AND give you the best chance of a ‘YES’ in this competitive world of acting! In the second hour we will explore how you want to contribute to the industry. Why would an...
For more information on diversity and inclusion on campus, please visit: Diversity and Inclusion Housed within the School of Education, the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), established in 1964, is one of the first, most productive, and largest university-based education research and d...
Integrity Operations is a team within Meta’s Global Operations Organization that is focused on supporting our users through both direct support interactions as well as scalable solutions, and on improving the health of our products by helping people understand how to use them. If you like helping pe...
Integrity Operations is a team within Meta’s Global Operations Organization that is focused on supporting our users through both direct support interactions as well as scalable solutions, and on improving the health of our products by helping people understand how to use them. If you like helping pe...
Integrity Operations is a team within Meta’s Global Operations Organization that is focused on supporting our users through both direct support interactions as well as scalable solutions, and on improving the health of our products by helping people understand how to use them. If you like helping pe...
We are seeking an ASL actor or actress for our K-12 educational videos! At Miaplaza, our vision is to elevate online learning and make it more effective than ever before. Our main K-8 curriculum platform is Miacademy, and our high school platform is MiaPrep. The actor will also need to self-tape the...
• Performs other duties as assigned. To be considered, you must have: (The individual must possess the following knowledge, skills and abilities and be able to explain and demonstrate that he or she can perform the essential functions of this job with or without reasonable accommodation, using some ...
Casting "The Breakup," a short film that explores the darkly comedic reasons behind a seemingly typical breakup. Production states: "This is our team's first foray into making a short film but we have prior experience with scriptwriting and directing music videos."...
Casting "The Breakup," a short film that explores the darkly comedic reasons behind a seemingly typical breakup. Production states: "This is our team's first foray into making a short film but we have prior experience with scriptwriting and directing music videos."...
This full-time benefits-eligible position requires someone who has a demonstrated ability to work well with creative team members and actors, who has strong organizing and relationship building skills, who is knowledgeable about talent scouting for theatre, and who has the ability to positively... c...
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