Casting and seeking crew for "Fallaway." Synopsis: Caden, a new college freshman, joins a campus religious group seeking connection and quickly bonds with Giovani, a lifelong member. As the group’s teachings grow cult-like, Caden grapples with his faith, his friendship, and his emerging sexual ident...
Casting "NYE," a short film. Logline: Both living at home, awkward Alden and Jazzy Lizzy navigate potential romance the last week before the new year, in this coming-of-age dramedy....
Casting "Whisked Away: The Making of a Baking Mystery," a comedy improv show. Comedic Actors and improvisers for a paid immersive mystery game. Actors will play key roles in improvising the beats of the story while also interacting with the game players. We’ve had recent success casting improv actor...
Casting an actor in their 50's-60's to play a grieving father in this independently-created feature-length film....
Casting is for American tourists and one British resident. If you can maintain a British accent please apply...
Casting "From Me, The Moon," a short film. Synopsis: The sun and the moon are sent to earth to discover what it means to be human. They meet by chance and fall in love instantly. But this isn't the first time they’ve met. And it won’t be their last....
Casting "All I Want is You," another vertical mini-series. Synopsis: When Rosalie was young, she used her nickname "Rory" to save a boy who was bullied in school, but she didn't know that this boy was Damien, the heir of a wealthy family. After he becomes an adult, he has been looking for her wherea...
Casting an USC Sustainability Master's Student casting for documentary series on the subject. This series will spotlight the people, ideas, and innovations reshaping our planet, exploring the untold stories of those driving change in fashion, conservation, renewable energy, and beyond....
Casting female actresses aged 50+ for a skincare niche. The opportunity involves creating video advertisements to be used in Facebook ad campaigns. The company has recently launched a new skincare product a 3% hyaluronic acid serum. This product is designed to deeply hydrate the skin, leaving it sof...
Casting "ShoeBox," a student film. He must venture through his gentrified community to keep his newly coveted sneakers on his feet, but he comes face to face with Malik who covets the sneakers that go beyond the white Nike check on his feet. Nate must grow up quick and decide who he is and his place...
Casting UGC talent for a marketing company. Reviewer/user/reporter of products. Note: Potential long term opportunity....
Casting "Stage 06: Dancing Through Time," a musical that follows Jeanne, a talented choreographer who loses everything; her home, her job, and her respect in the industry, when a powerful male director, driven by his own greedy agendas, sabotages her career. After being given a second chance at the ...
Casting "Believe in Your Light," an original musical, theatrical production of a utopian fantasy world that is part of a live field research project into the benefits of community theatre....
Casting and seeking crew for "Growing Pains," a short dramatic film inspired by the films of Sean Baker. Logline: Three college roommates attend one last party before moving out, but when a shocking event turns the night upside down, they confront the reality that growing up may mean growing apart....
PROJECT: Marginalia short film Director: Brenden Bowers A Japanese widow with a gentle strength, full of warmth and peace. She finds peace in the happy memories of her family and the love they shared. The daughter of Himari and Hiroshi Takahashi....
This is a fantastic opportunity for a boy aged 9–11 years old to gain experience and exposure in a professional production set in Los Angeles. Job Responsibilities: Perform as a featured character in the vertical mini series. Requirements: Comfortable performing in front of the camera in a professio...
Casting actors for a Lee Kum Kee advertisement documentary....
CASTING School Performances for Black History Month Sparrow and Finch Films Productions in collaboration with MAS DIVERSITY CONSULTANCY is casting for its next series of stage performances for February 2025. We are seeking 4 performers with the capability to play multiple roles for school- based aud...
Casting "Loathed by the Alpha," a new supernatural vertical web series. Synopsis: Follows a young alpha as he discovers his powers and navigates a world of ancient secrets and deadly foes. With the help of a mysterious girl, he confronts his prejudices and reconnects with his estranged mother....
Casting video actors for a series of mental health content for a new men's mental health startup helping Gen-Z and Millennial men navigate relationships, confidence, parenting, etc....
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