Casting and seeking crew for "Sin Aviso (Without Warning)," a short story that focuses on the injustices of immigration and deportation in the United States. Synopsis: Follows Carlos, a hardworking immigrant father, as he balances providing for his family with the constant fear of deportation. The f...
Casting "Another," an AFI Conservatory Cycle Film. Logline: After a devastating car accident claims her husband, a grieving young widow is offered a chance to erase her pain by extracting her memories of loss— how much is she willing to sacrifice to escape the past? Note: The AFI Conservatory remain...
Casting co-host for a sizzle reel promoting a movie-based TV show/iconic online brand. To be used in the pitching/promotion of upcoming project. Host should be enthusiastic about all things movies, actors, filmmakers, behind the scenes - and passionate about sharing their passion with the audience....
Casting "Natalie," a small-scale piece about child abuse. Production states: "Shot from the perspective of a teenage girl who experiences hallucinations. The film attempts to tackle the heavy subject matter thoughtfully, avoiding the aestheticization of abuse. There is no nudity involved. Rather tha...
Casting "Normousbutt, Maya," a satirical comedy sketch, in vein of Brandon Rogers, which explores and commentates on such trends like the risque TikTok’s Big Bank and No Nut November. The sketch is centered on a confident and seductive woman who enjoys playfully ogling other women's behinds, all whi...
Casting "Swipe Right, Crash Left," a fast-paced, hilarious comedy that explores the perils of modern dating, social insecurities, and the obsession with online validation. Synopsis: The story follows James, an underdog struggling to navigate life, love, and financial disasters caused by his Tinder a...
Casting and seeking crew for "Sin Aviso (Without Warning)," a short story that focuses on the injustices of immigration and deportation in the United States. Synopsis: Follows Carlos, a hardworking immigrant father, as he balances providing for his family with the constant fear of deportation. The f...
Casting a comedy Youtube Series. Production states: "I live in Los Angeles but the plan would be to shoot at my families vacation getaway condo in Palm Springs. We would prepare 2-3 episodes and shoot at least once a month on one weekend. Actresses that have a bunch of other stuff going on that will...
Casting "Joan Crawford Superstar," a new biographic play. The play is an 80-minute fast-paced biographic play spanning the icon's life (not camp or parody). Logline: Two Joan Crawfords tell the story. Mature Joan’s story is told backward from her death in 1977 (age 69) to her Oscar win in 1946 (age ...
Casting "Stage 06: Dancing Through Time," a musical that follows Jeanne, a talented choreographer who loses everything; her home, her job, and her respect in the industry, when a powerful male director, driven by his own greedy agendas, sabotages her career. After being given a second chance at the ...
Casting "Swipe Right, Crash Left," a fast-paced, hilarious comedy that explores the perils of modern dating, social insecurities, and the obsession with online validation. Synopsis: The story follows James, an underdog struggling to navigate life, love, and financial disasters caused by his Tinder a...
Casting models in a cooler brand content shoot. Company states: "RovR isn’t just a cooler; it’s a catalyst. A tool for Movers, Shakers, and Moment Makers who thrive on bringing people together outside. RovR products transform ordinary moments into unforgettable experiences, creating new traditions w...
Casting "Natasha," a short student film. Synopsis: Natasha is a professional fencer that wants to go to the world championships but can't afford the participation fee. Raised by a single mother in a dessert she gets challenged by being a girl in a male world and figuring out her family situation....
Casting "A Sunday Kind of Love," a show that is a one-woman story about Etta James with actors acting out scenes, and a Las Vegas performer who is now embarking on a national tour and has workshopped the production and is now ready to add the acting/performers componet to broaden her show and prepar...
Casting "A Sunday Kind of Love," a show that is a one-woman story about Etta James with actors acting out scenes, and a Las Vegas performer who is now embarking on a national tour and has workshopped the production and is now ready to add the acting/performers componet to broaden her show and prepar...
Casting "Stained Glass: A Christmas Story," a senior thesis film by Oni Akananim, a student at San Francisco State University. Logline: This poignant family drama blends themes of ambition, deception, and familial dynamics with the nostalgic warmth of Christmas traditions. The film’s visual style dr...
Casting actors for a short film called “NYE”, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: Log line: Both living at home, awkward Alden and Jazzy Lizzy navigate potential romance the last week before the new year, in this coming-of-age dramedy. Rate: Unpaid,...
Casting Equity actors for roles in San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Company 2025 Season. Season includes "Every Saturday Night" (Danny Duncan, creator; Rodney Jackson, dir. Runs July 7-12); "The Day The Sky Turned Orange" (Julius Rea, Olivia Kuper Harris and David Michael Ott, creators; Rodney Earl Ja...
Casting "Normousbutt, Maya," a satirical comedy sketch, in vein of Brandon Rogers, which explores and commentates on such trends like the risque TikTok’s Big Bank and No Nut November. The sketch is centered on a confident and seductive woman who enjoys playfully ogling other women's behinds, all whi...
Casting Call: Men for Grill Commercial in San Diego We are seeking male talent for an upcoming grill commercial in San Diego. This role requires a confident and skilled individual who embodies the art of outdoor grilling, creating great wood-fired pizzas or BBQ while remaining approachable and perso...
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