Casting "Under Watch," a gripping thriller that explores the fragility of safety in seemingly secure environments, following a young babysitter, Emma, as she faces a terrifying home invasion while protecting seven-year-old Timmy. Combining relentless suspense with an emotional punch, the film delves...
Casting actors for "Iggy" feature film, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: A lonely, awkward artist with Autism struggles to make friends he can trust as he navigates the confusing social dynamics of high school. Additional info: Filming in Februar...
Casting main & supporting roles for the drama titled "UNTIL DEATH" A film about a wife who believed her husband was deceased due to a house fire, returns years later proving that even death couldn't keep them apart...
Casting actors for Splintered Love "Thy Name Is Cupid", please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: Paid Non-Union. Additional info: Filming Dates - January 11th and 12th Location - Central Illinois. When applying, please include headshot, resume and demo reel if applic...
Casting "A Moment Too Late," a short film about a man who regrets his actions after a breakup with his girlfriend. He attempts to win her back, only to realize that she has already moved on....
Casting Equity actors for roles in "No Such Thing." All roles will be understudied....
Casting "Under Watch," a gripping thriller that explores the fragility of safety in seemingly secure environments, following a young babysitter, Emma, as she faces a terrifying home invasion while protecting seven-year-old Timmy. Combining relentless suspense with an emotional punch, the film delves...
Casting Call for Pedestrians and Joggers – “Dirty Little Secrets” Feature Film Job Description: Wayward Casting is seeking background actors to portray pedestrians and joggers in the upcoming feature film Dirty Little Secrets, filming in Chicago, IL. We are looking for individuals of all looks and a...
Casting for "3 Seconds," a short film. A moment in time can mean the rest of your life. Daily decisions can have a lasting impact. In this short we explore the lack of patience society has with each other....
Casting actors that will play learning roles in the concrete construction industry. Note: This piece will be used as promotional content for Concrete Industry Management college program....
Casting "The Woodcutter & The Weaver," a folk, sci-fi feature film. This film is being produced through DePaul University. Synopsis: A hardened woman, Em, and her fiancé, Hazel, a lively artisan, live together in isolation after the collapse of modern society. When Hazel begins to experience the tra...
Casting Call for Background Extras in “The Up And Comer” Movie Job Description: ExtraOrdinary Casting is seeking background extras to appear as pedestrians in an upcoming night scene for the film “The Up And Comer.” This is an outdoor shoot in downtown Chicago, and participants must be prepared for ...
Casting for "My Apocalypse," which is a documentary that follows the historical span of end of the world fear and how it has affected our culture....
Casting "Everyone to Everyone Else," a coming of age short film which follows four college students trapped in a single room during a single night. Film festival fees are including in the films budget. Production is planning to submit to at least three film festivals and several more free festivals....
Hispanic/Latin/Ambiguous Grandma for Baking Commercial Job Description: We are casting for a sweet, Hispanic/Latin/Ambiguous grandma (ages 60-70) who loves to bake and is familiar with using a stand mixer. No acting experience is required, just a love for baking and a warm personality. Appear in a b...
The Motion Picture/Television department of the College of DuPage will be hosting an open casting call at Culinary & Hospitality Center for their Directing students on Tuesday November 19th between 9am and 12:30pm in room 2001 on the second floor. Student directors are required to direct a scene fro...
Casting for "My Apocalypse," which is a documentary that follows the historical span of end of the world fear and how it has affected our culture....
This will be an exterior scene. You must be available ALL filming days in order to submit for this particular role. We’re extending the date for submissions because the mother and father have not been cast yet, and we’ll need to select a child that would be a good match to mom and dad 🙂 – so this gi...
Casting "Everyone to Everyone Else," a coming of age short film which follows four college students trapped in a single room during a single night. Film festival fees are including in the films budget (planning to submit to at least 3 film festivals snd several more free festivals.)...
Casting actors for upcoming feature film, please see the details below. Rate: IMDb Credit & Meals. Non Union Non Paid Additional info: Audition Will Be Held Downtown Chicago Near Riverwalk. When applying, please include headshots....
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