Casting "Hide and Seek," a romantic drama that focuses on Jada, a financially struggling college student who meets Alex, an amateurish college student dealing with family issues. Jada is seeking answers about her brother's mysterious new job leads her into trouble, while we simultaneously see her hi...
Casting actors for "Cut" Horror Film, please see the details below. Additional info: Please see the attachment for flyer. Please apply if interested....
Casting actors for Season 3 Bordersville TV Series, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Additional info: Please bring Headshots, Resume and be ready to perform a scene or monologue...
Casting and seeking crew for "Lily," a heartfelt coming-of-age drama. Synopsis: Delves deep into themes of identity, faith, and the redemptive power of love. This emotionally rich film follows Lily, a 14-year-old girl caught between her conservative upbringing and her burgeoning sense of self. After...
Casting "Hide and Seek," a romantic drama that focuses on Jada, a financially struggling college student who meets Alex, an amateurish college student dealing with family issues. Jada is seeking answers about her brother's mysterious new job leads her into trouble, while we simultaneously see her hi...
About the position The role involves self-submission of audition tapes, and candidates should be comfortable discussing current political issues passionately. Responsibilities • Submit a self-tape audition based on provided scripts. , • Choose and download sides that resonate personally. Benefits • ...
Casting Call: Lead Role – Abel (Documentary-Style Film) Job Description Seeking a talented Hispanic male actor, aged 25-35, for the lead role of Abel in a proof-of-concept production for a documentary-style narrative film. Job Responsibilities Engage in direct-to-camera interviews and cinematic reen...
Casting Call for Stunt Performer – Major A-List Artist Music Video (Houston, TX) Job Description: Esprit Casting is seeking a male African-American stunt performer for a high-profile music video featuring a major A-list artist. The role requires comfort with stunt fighting and wrestling in a profess...
Casting "Locked In." In being forced to live together they go through ups and downs and discover a lot about each other during the process. Her mom is a rich tv personality with a reality show. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU ARE OVER 17. 18 MIGHT BE OKAY BUT NOTHING OVER....
Casting 'By Chance'. Shooting in Houston, TX with tentative dates set at 1/10-1/11. Sypnosis: The story follows a wealthy, charming, yet socially awkward man as he navigates the complexities of modern relationships. Despite his success, he struggles to connect with women on a deeper level until he m...
Casting "Hide and Seek," a romantic drama that focuses on Jada, a financially struggling college student who meets Alex, an amateurish college student dealing with family issues. Jada is seeking answers about her brother's mysterious new job leads her into trouble, while we simultaneously see her hi...
At Outlier, we collaborate with leading companies to enhance their AI models through human feedback. Opportunity Overview: • Engage in recording your voice for brief conversations, showcasing a variety of emotions, accents, and audio modulations, as well as reviewing the recordings submitted by othe...
Casting "Shaer Science," a narrative-driven documentary for a brand dedicated to women’s hair care, specializing in solutions for hair loss backed by scientific expertise and renowned dermatologist....
Casting Rice University's "Rice Way" training program, which is a training program for staff and faculty to view in order to remain in compliance with laws and regulations. Actors must be bilingual with Spanish and English as the designated languages....
Casting actors who can deliver a subtle and natural performance in a close-quarters setting, akin to screen acting with a live audience. 'Pheromones' isn't improv; it's a meticulously designed and customizable love story that combines a branching storyline with the intrigue of an up-close, eavesdrop...
Casting "Sincerely Brad," a short film starring Emmy nominated actor Patrick Walker. Brad finds himself dealing with an internal battle when being asked to go to the moon in the middle of his wife's pregnancy, what decision will Brad choose?...
Casting "Unseen Justice," a feature film. Logline: About a family (dad, mom, and son) whose lives are torn apart by a kidnapping. What happens to all of them after the incident will change everything. Writer states: "I’ve written 150 feature scripts and this is the first of three projects next year....
Casting a feature-film shooting in Houston, Texas about a Mexican American actor who lies that he's fluent in Spanish to get cast in a movie and struggles to not only learn the language and hide the facade, but identify with a culture he has long dismissed....
Casting a feature-film shooting in Houston, Texas about a Mexican American actor who lies that he's fluent in Spanish to get cast in a movie and struggles to not only learn the language and hide the facade, but identify with a culture he has long dismissed....
Casting actors for a student short film, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: SAG and non-union will be considered. Paid. Additional info: Production will be in early November in Houston, Texas....
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