Casting and seeking crew for "Project Clockwork," a spy thriller that takes place in a Cyberpunk future. Logline: This film will tell the story of an ex-military assassin (Sabrina) who must confront the demons of her past after suffering a family tragedy. Production states: "We're a low-budget produ...
Casting and seeking crew for "Project Clockwork," a spy thriller that takes place in a Cyberpunk future. Logline: This film will tell the story of an ex-military assassin (Sabrina) who must confront the demons of her past after suffering a family tragedy. Production states: "We're a low-budget produ...
Casting talent for documentary project, please see the details below. About the project: 1940's narrative documentary about the Japanese Internment Camps. Rate: Paid. Additional info: Filming Nov.2nd & 3rd. Men must be clean shaven....
Casting and seeking crew for an ongoing supernatural dramedy series. Based in the story world of the 1966 cult classic "Manos: The Hands of Fate."...
Casting "The Running Kind," an independent short film....
Casting "The Running Kind," an independent short film....
Casting "In The Field" a gritty, high stakes Northern Californian based drama where Lil Hot finds himself in the center of a federal investigation that has already infiltrated his circle....
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