Entertainment Casting jobs in San Diego

112 Entertainment Casting job postings in San Diego. Find Entertainment careers, employment, and companies on theCreativeloft. We have the most Entertainment job postings anywhere. The most recent job was posted on January 28, 2025. Quickly see all Entertainment jobs in San Diego or all Casting Entertainment jobs.

'Sin Aviso (Without Warning)'

Casting and seeking crew for "Sin Aviso (Without Warning)," a short story that focuses on the injustices of immigration and deportation in the United States. Synopsis: Follows Carlos, a hardworking immigrant father, as he balances providing for his family with the constant fear of deportation. The f...

San Diego, California Barriga Llena Productions
'Normousbutt, Maya'

Casting "Normousbutt, Maya," a satirical comedy sketch, in vein of Brandon Rogers, which explores and commentates on such trends like the risque TikTok’s Big Bank and No Nut November. The sketch is centered on a confident and seductive woman who enjoys playfully ogling other women's behinds, all whi...

La Mesa, California Jaxsonian Ross, Writer-Director
'Super Liked and Super Broke'

Casting "Swipe Right, Crash Left," a fast-paced, hilarious comedy that explores the perils of modern dating, social insecurities, and the obsession with online validation. Synopsis: The story follows James, an underdog struggling to navigate life, love, and financial disasters caused by his Tinder a...

San Diego, California Tiffanie Hurst, Director
'Sin Aviso (Without Warning)'

Casting and seeking crew for "Sin Aviso (Without Warning)," a short story that focuses on the injustices of immigration and deportation in the United States. Synopsis: Follows Carlos, a hardworking immigrant father, as he balances providing for his family with the constant fear of deportation. The f...

San Diego, California Barriga Llena Productions
'Stage 06: Dancing Through Time'

Casting "Stage 06: Dancing Through Time," a musical that follows Jeanne, a talented choreographer who loses everything; her home, her job, and her respect in the industry, when a powerful male director, driven by his own greedy agendas, sabotages her career. After being given a second chance at the ...

La Mesa, California Viani's Performing Arts Academy
'Super Liked and Super Broke'

Casting "Swipe Right, Crash Left," a fast-paced, hilarious comedy that explores the perils of modern dating, social insecurities, and the obsession with online validation. Synopsis: The story follows James, an underdog struggling to navigate life, love, and financial disasters caused by his Tinder a...

San Diego, California Tiffanie Hurst, Director
Cooler Brand Content Shoot

Casting models in a cooler brand content shoot. Company states: "RovR isn’t just a cooler; it’s a catalyst. A tool for Movers, Shakers, and Moment Makers who thrive on bringing people together outside. RovR products transform ordinary moments into unforgettable experiences, creating new traditions w...

San Diego, California Savvy Studios
'Normousbutt, Maya'

Casting "Normousbutt, Maya," a satirical comedy sketch, in vein of Brandon Rogers, which explores and commentates on such trends like the risque TikTok’s Big Bank and No Nut November. The sketch is centered on a confident and seductive woman who enjoys playfully ogling other women's behinds, all whi...

La Mesa, California Jaxsonian Ross, Writer-Director
$1,200 Grill Commercial Casting Call for Skilled Griller

Casting Call: Men for Grill Commercial in San Diego We are seeking male talent for an upcoming grill commercial in San Diego. This role requires a confident and skilled individual who embodies the art of outdoor grilling, creating great wood-fired pizzas or BBQ while remaining approachable and perso...

San Diego, California Miami Talent Casting
'Sin Aviso (Without Warning)'

Casting and seeking crew for "Sin Aviso (Without Warning)," a short story that focuses on the injustices of immigration and deportation in the United States. Synopsis: Follows Carlos, a hardworking immigrant father, as he balances providing for his family with the constant fear of deportation. The f...

San Diego, California Barriga Llena Productions
'Normousbutt, Maya'

Casting "Normousbutt, Maya," a satirical comedy sketch, in vein of Brandon Rogers, which explores and commentates on such trends like the risque TikTok’s Big Bank and No Nut November. The sketch is centered on a confident and seductive woman who enjoys playfully ogling other women's behinds, all whi...

La Mesa, California Jaxsonian Ross, Writer-Director
The Lock In Project

We’re Casting for a quick short-form film that we will be shooting this Friday (January 10th, 2025) in San Diego! This is a last-minute opportunity, and we’re looking to assemble the cast for a fun and efficient shoot. • Experience Needed: Open to both new and experienced actors If you’re interested...

San Diego, California Tiffanie Hurst, Director
'The Mutiny'

Casting "The Mutiny," a short film. Synopsis: Selkie, a siren in disguise, infiltrates a pirate crew as they all search for the infamous Gerizon Stone. Both the sirens and the pirates are in desperate need of their powerful properties, and Selkie finds herself torn between helping her siren tribe or...

San Diego, California Citadel Productions
Cut & Color Shoot, Hair Models

Casting four models open to a cut and color for a photoshoot in San Diego. Note: This will be for a major haircare brand. Must be fully available for the shoot dates between Feb. 13-16. Models must be available for two out of the four days, ideally consecutive days such as 13-14 or 15-16; Standard 8...

San Diego, California Collective Casting
Cooler Brand Tailgate Shoot

Casting a shoot for a cooler brand. Production states: "RovR isn’t just a cooler; it’s a catalyst. A tool for movers, shakers, and moment makers who thrive on bringing people together outside. RovR products transform ordinary moments into unforgettable experiences, creating new traditions with every...

San Diego, California Savvy Studios
Actors Needed for Independent Film

Casting actors for independent film, please see the details below. Rate: Additional info: Although filming dates are still TBD. Genre: Drama Psychological Location: San Diego Filming Timeline: [TBD, but expected to start in the near future] When applying, please include your headshot, resume, and an...

San Diego, California Unknown
Acting Job in "Infernal" Film Project

About the project: Infernal is a dark fantasy film following a young man’s heroic journey to save the Infernal Lands from a looming evil. Rate: (Tentative budget, TBD), Copy, Credit, Meals Included Additional info: Filming Dates: April 2025 Location: San Diego, CA When applying, please include heads...

San Diego, California Unknown
'The Hustle'

Casting "The Hustle," a three-character full-length play....

San Diego, California Backstage
Acting Job in Student Short Film

Casting actors for student short film, please see the details below. About the project: Synopsis: Two brothers, divided by identity and their choices, must confront their differences during a never ending night to hold their broken family together. Rate: Food will be provided but no paid compensatio...

San Diego, California Unknown

Casting and seeking crew for "Neighbors," a short comedic film. Logline: On the same night a UFO lands in his neighborhood, Andy is asked out by his long-time crush. The two things he’s been waiting for are finally here, he just has to make sure they don’t meet......

San Diego, California Peppermint Films
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