Casting "Hide and Seek," a romantic drama that focuses on Jada, a financially struggling college student who meets Alex, an amateurish college student dealing with family issues. Jada is seeking answers about her brother's mysterious new job leads her into trouble, while we simultaneously see her hi...
Casting actors for "Cut" Horror Film, please see the details below. Additional info: Please see the attachment for flyer. Please apply if interested....
We are seeking actors and actresses in the DFW area. The filming dates are April 18th - 24th. Female and Male roles are available. Please email headshots and a resume to
Casting "Mermania," a student thesis film. Synopsis: Inspired by films like "Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore" and "The Virgin Suicides," this is a story of a girl who finds freedom in a 1994 that never existed....
Casting 'CRWN', a new episodic TV comedy series based in Austin, TX following two best friends trying to make it big in the podcast world....
Casting actors for Season 3 Bordersville TV Series, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Additional info: Please bring Headshots, Resume and be ready to perform a scene or monologue...
Casting and seeking crew for "Lily," a heartfelt coming-of-age drama. Synopsis: Delves deep into themes of identity, faith, and the redemptive power of love. This emotionally rich film follows Lily, a 14-year-old girl caught between her conservative upbringing and her burgeoning sense of self. After...
Guests will be sipping cocktails in an eerie, haunted mansion atmosphere, and you will be the one to make them scream! What We’re Looking For: • Full October Availability: Nights and weekends only (Fri-Sunday, building to Wed-Sunday)!. Please apply only if you are available for nights and weekends i...
Casting Opportunity: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – Dallas Theater Center Job Description The Dallas Theater Center is producing the timeless musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and talented performers are needed for this exciting production. Job Responsibilities Pe...
Casting "Obscure Identity," a short film. Logline: While stuck at an airport, Margot questions her sanity when a mysterious woman warns her she is being preyed upon by a shapeshifter....
Casting actors for "You’re A Bad Person" an independent micro-budget project. Rate: Mileage and meals provided. Rosy paid a flat rate of $200 for 8 hours of work. Additional info: Shooting in Austin, TX from February 7th, 8th, 9th, 17th, 18th, and 19th. Accepting SAG and non-SAG actors....
Casting "VDA (Viewer Discretion Advised)," a highly stylized student thesis film. Logline: 'VDA' is about a boy getting access to a sketchy website that starts to affect him in ways he didn't anticipate. Note: Only casting local to Austin, TX....
Casting "Hide and Seek," a romantic drama that focuses on Jada, a financially struggling college student who meets Alex, an amateurish college student dealing with family issues. Jada is seeking answers about her brother's mysterious new job leads her into trouble, while we simultaneously see her hi...
About the position The role involves self-submission of audition tapes, and candidates should be comfortable discussing current political issues passionately. Responsibilities • Submit a self-tape audition based on provided scripts. , • Choose and download sides that resonate personally. Benefits • ...
Casting Call: Lead Role – Abel (Documentary-Style Film) Job Description Seeking a talented Hispanic male actor, aged 25-35, for the lead role of Abel in a proof-of-concept production for a documentary-style narrative film. Job Responsibilities Engage in direct-to-camera interviews and cinematic reen...
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Your Wife's Dead Body."...
Casting "Dallas Crime History," (working title) a live interactive dinner-show that explains the history of the 'Mob' in Dallas....
Casting a 15-minute short based on the tale "Foursome" from the book "MOMENTS: Short Stories."...
Casting "Tapes," a family drama short film. Synopsis: Sisters reunite under tragic circumstances trying to re-connect through their grief and keep what's left of their family alive....
Logline: In this coming-of-age horror hybrid, a lonely teenager investigates the identity of the only man who gives her attention: a mysterious entity who exclusively speaks to her through a phone-booth. Maysen (Lead, Female, Age 18-21, Any ethnicity) — A socially awkward teenager who is desperate t...
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