Casting "The Mutiny," a short film. Synopsis: Selkie, a siren in disguise, infiltrates a pirate crew as they all search for the infamous Gerizon Stone. Both the sirens and the pirates are in desperate need of their powerful properties, and Selkie finds herself torn between helping her siren tribe or...
Seeking crew for an influential event....
Casting and seeking crew for "Neighbors," a short comedic film. Logline: On the same night a UFO lands in his neighborhood, Andy is asked out by his long-time crush. The two things he’s been waiting for are finally here, he just has to make sure they don’t meet......
About the position We are casting actors for an exciting web series that explores the lives of a diverse group of individuals in Los Angeles. The project aims to capture the essence of navigating life in a vibrant city, drawing inspiration from popular series like Skins, Mr. This is a unique opportu...
Casting and seeking crew for "Fallaway." Synopsis: Caden, a new college freshman, joins a campus religious group seeking connection and quickly bonds with Giovani, a lifelong member. As the group’s teachings grow cult-like, Caden grapples with his faith, his friendship, and his emerging sexual ident...
The company is holding auditions for One Act Festival, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: "Outage" "Queen Mari’s Castle: Live!" "Graceland" "I Was a Gifted Child!" "Hoard" "Bertha’s Books"...
Casting and seeking crew for "Growing Pains," a short dramatic film inspired by the films of Sean Baker. Logline: Three college roommates attend one last party before moving out, but when a shocking event turns the night upside down, they confront the reality that growing up may mean growing apart....
Casting and seeking crew for "Project Clockwork," a spy thriller that takes place in a Cyberpunk future. Logline: This film will tell the story of an ex-military assassin (Sabrina) who must confront the demons of her past after suffering a family tragedy. Production states: "We're a low-budget produ...
Casting and seeking crew for "Patrick's Lonely Christmas," a student film. This is a micro small production with a very low budget and a small crew. Production would especially suggest for the talent to submit if they are friendly and eager to find new work! Although the story is relatively short on...
Casting "Rescue," a feature film. This production will be filmed in the Lake Tahoe region of the Sierra Nevada. Filming will take approximately two to three weeks in September. The film involves a very small cast and will be handled by a small production crew....
Casting and seeking crew for "Project Clockwork," a spy thriller that takes place in a Cyberpunk future. Logline: This film will tell the story of an ex-military assassin (Sabrina) who must confront the demons of her past after suffering a family tragedy. Production states: "We're a low-budget produ...
Everyone on set must sign an agreement stating that they do not have any symptoms of, nor have been knowingly exposed to Covid-19. We have created hundreds of fictional viral videos about life, business, and relationships that relay positive messages for a global audience. Ethnicities: All ethniciti...
Casting Call: Teen Boys to Portray Villagers Job Description: Ahart Casting is seeking teen boys to portray Hispanic villagers in an upcoming project filming in Santa Clarita, CA. This is a fantastic opportunity for young actors to gain experience on a professional set. Job Responsibilities: Able to...
Seeking crew for an influential event....
Casting "Rescue," a feature film. This production will be filmed in the Lake Tahoe region of the Sierra Nevada. Filming will take approximately two to three weeks in September. The film involves a very small cast and will be handled by a small production crew....
Casting and seeking crew for “I Am David,” a student film. Logline: This is an urban hood drama about a good kid in a Mad city. This story is based in Los Angeles, CA....
“A” rating with the BB Our Talent is on most of the top shows, movies and commercials- this is a FACT. PR Staff is responsible for community outreach to spread awareness of the event and to generate leads for our entertainment company. You will be inviting the guests into the celebrity hosted event....
This position provides an opportunity to perform in front of television cameras, experiment with script interpretations, and follow instructions from Producers and Directors. Working with industry-leading professionals at TelevisaUnivision offers immense opportunities for professional growth and dev...
Casting "An Evening of Luxury," a feature film. Logline: This will be a found footage comedy about a cigar-centric variety show that goes horribly awry when the crew begins to suspect something is amiss....
Production Information: Location: Los Angeles Rehearsals: To be scheduled Goal: We will be workshopping this play with the goal of staging it in next 2-3 months at a local theater or gallery space. This play is inspired by works from notable playwrights and filmmakers who explore the intersection of...
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