Casting and seeking crew for "Sin Aviso (Without Warning)," a short story that focuses on the injustices of immigration and deportation in the United States. Synopsis: Follows Carlos, a hardworking immigrant father, as he balances providing for his family with the constant fear of deportation. The f...
Casting "The Mutiny," a short film. Synopsis: Selkie, a siren in disguise, infiltrates a pirate crew as they all search for the infamous Gerizon Stone. Both the sirens and the pirates are in desperate need of their powerful properties, and Selkie finds herself torn between helping her siren tribe or...
Casting and seeking crew for "Neighbors," a short comedic film. Logline: On the same night a UFO lands in his neighborhood, Andy is asked out by his long-time crush. The two things he’s been waiting for are finally here, he just has to make sure they don’t meet......
Casting and seeking crew for "Growing Pains," a short dramatic film inspired by the films of Sean Baker. Logline: Three college roommates attend one last party before moving out, but when a shocking event turns the night upside down, they confront the reality that growing up may mean growing apart....
Casting and seeking crew for "Fading Flora," a short experimental film. Logline: Madeleine, an up-and-coming scientist has her world turned upside down after she finds out she is pregnant. As she attempts to navigate this uncertain future with her husband, her reality starts to shift to a nightmaris...
Casting "The Pirate's Parable," a short film shooting on a real pirate ship in San Diego. Synopsis: a morally righteous fisherman has an unbroken idolization that pirates are the coolest and most beloved beings, almost like superheroes. He finally gets the opportunity to try out for a Pirate Crew af...
Casting and seeking crew for "Dissolve," a horror short film. Synopsis: follows the story of a nurse haunted by a traumatic event involving the death of her boyfriend in a car accident. Struggling to cope, she begins stealing and abusing opioids, leading her down a dark spiral of hallucinations and ...
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