Casting four male leads for upcoming student short film titled "Poker Night". Four friends get together for their monthly night of poker, but as past events come to light and tensions swell, everyone is pushed to their limit. The film will be screened at events for school and submitted to film festi...
Casting "Water Beads," a student film inspired by "Home Alone." This is an ultra 2 minute short comedy for Boston University's Production class final. The final film will be submitted to multiple international film festivals. Logline: A kid, after clogging a toilet with his new bought water beads, s...
Casting a 15 minute movie that was shot in Fall 2021, but was not released because of production issues. Now, the director intends to compete the movie by shooting the incomplete scenes and adding small plots. This is expected to go to film festivals and then released to the public via platforms....
Casting a series short films or teleplays to be entered into various film festivals across the country, while streaming on the streaming platform, Looking for actors for the second round of filming...
Casting two pre-teen boys for a coming-of-age Halloween drama/horror. Prioduction states "The project will be submitted to major film festivals."...
Casting and seeking crew for "This Is Not a Fight Club," an addiction awareness short film. Most of, if not everything in this short is a deliberate message relating to addiction. The Title: The title of the short represents the denial that some experience when facing addiction (The sentence "this i...
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