Casting "The Flowers," a short introspective drama. Synopsis: Explores themes of disconnection, societal critique, and personal growth. The film follows Monica, a college student, as she navigates a lonely nighttime walk that becomes a journey through her fears and reflections. Production states: "T...
Casting "The Flowers," a short introspective drama. Synopsis: Explores themes of disconnection, societal critique, and personal growth. The film follows Monica, a college student, as she navigates a lonely nighttime walk that becomes a journey through her fears and reflections. Production states: "T...
Casting and seeking a cinematographer for "Crunch Time," a student film dramedy. Synopsis: It delves into the emotional turmoil of Nikhil, a die-hard Philadelphia 76ers fan, who struggles to cope after a heartbreaking loss in the 2019 Eastern Conference Semi-Finals against the Toronto Raptors. Set a...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
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