Casting and seeking a cinematographer for "Crunch Time," a student film dramedy. Synopsis: It delves into the emotional turmoil of Nikhil, a die-hard Philadelphia 76ers fan, who struggles to cope after a heartbreaking loss in the 2019 Eastern Conference Semi-Finals against the Toronto Raptors. Set a...
Casting "Non-Resident Alien," a psychological drama with elements of surreal body horror that explores the tension between cultural identity and the pressures of assimilation. This short film delves into the immigrant experience, using visual storytelling and subtle transformation to represent emoti...
Casting "Because We're Supposed To," a comedy following the misadventures of best friends Monty and Rod on their quest for the truth behind harsh societal constructs. Production states: "Grapplehook Studios 5th project for film festivals and YouTube."...
Talent required for "My Gift To You" short film. About the project: Melissa is an introverted but observant eighteen-year-old girl whose life revolves around her younger brother and best friend, Joshua. After taking Joshua swimming on his eight birthday, Melissa will have to face the grief and guilt...
Talent required for "My Gift To You" short film. About the project: Melissa is an introverted but observant eighteen-year-old girl whose life revolves around her younger brother and best friend, Joshua. After taking Joshua swimming on his eight birthday, Melissa will have to face the grief and guilt...
Talent required for "My Gift To You" short film. About the project: Melissa is an introverted but observant eighteen-year-old girl whose life revolves around her younger brother and best friend, Joshua. After taking Joshua swimming on his eight birthday, Melissa will have to face the grief and guilt...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
Looking for a variety of actors to contribute to our exciting Flash Film Kickoff with the DFA on August 18th! At this Kick off there will be a table read. People will vote on their favorite scripts then split into groups (1 team per project) and work on the project for 8 weeks until the premiere. Fi...
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