Casting "Incarnated," a horror film by Johns Hopkins University (feat. New York University and Columbia University) film students. Synopsis: Annika and Kevin, accompanied by their daughter Christina, arrived at a seaside vacation villa to spend their holiday. Annika encountered a series of unexplain...
Looking for actors. See the roles below. About the project: Ersatz centers around a starving artist whose life gets turned upside down when a mysterious man creates an aberrant clone of her to claim her art -and her life- as her own. Sides will be provided. DC & VA actors may apply....
Casting local actors around the Baltimore area in "Killer Hotel," a murder mystery/student film. Synopsis: The couple, Farrah and Carson book a hotel to rest at before going to the beach for a vacation with their friend William. They end up discovering that William has been murdered in his hotel roo...
Looking for talented and passionate actors to join the cast of "Command" the Series Season 2. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. See the roles below. Rate: Unpaid. Additional info: Directors have a variety of dynamic roles open, with filming set for early 2025....
Casting local actors around the Baltimore area in "Killer Hotel," a murder mystery/student film. Synopsis: The couple, Farrah and Carson book a hotel to rest at before going to the beach for a vacation with their friend William. They end up discovering that William has been murdered in his hotel roo...
AWM Studio is casting for 2 short films we're shooting on December 8th in Baltimore County. The films will be listed on IMDB for credit and you'll receive a copy of the film...
Casting local actors around the Baltimore area in "Killer Hotel," a murder mystery/student film. Synopsis: The couple, Farrah and Carson book a hotel to rest at before going to the beach for a vacation with their friend William. They end up discovering that William has been murdered in his hotel roo...
Seeking actor for final principal role in "I See Dead People," a student film. Synopsis: A man begins to see ghosts, soon he will find out that they are connected to a series of killers that may put him in danger....
Casting "Angela," a feature film that will be shot in Baltimore, MD....
Casting two lead roles in "Roadside Assistance," a short film to depict how adults live with long-term diagnoses early in life. Although the story is fictional, the project highlights how HIV impacts members of the LGBTQ+ community every day....
Following the acclaim of Ray of Sunshine and the success of Command Season 1, we’re excited to cast for Command Season 2. With just a touch, he can control others, a power that holds life-changing potential but brings grave risks and moral dilemmas. Season 2 will introduce new faces and test existin...
Audition Announcement for Caribbean independent horror feature film. Please find the details listed below. Rate: Paid. Additional info: Fall/Summer – In search of opportunities in the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia areas. To be considered, please apply....
Casting b-roll filming for a nonprofit video about restorative justice in schools....
Casting background actors to play employees in a short film. See the details below. About the project: Logline: Matthew, a new hire's first day of work is turned upside down when he finds out his firm is launching a reboot of the bible with a black Jesus. Rate: This is an unpaid gig, but lunch and n...
Casting "Exposed," a student film. Synopsis: A young, ambitious journalist will have her first high-profile live interview with the President. The country is on the verge of a significant war, externally and internally. After a series of questions, the interview takes a dangerous course....
This is a short 5 minute horror film about a man named Thomas who reads an ancient tome and becomes possessed by an ancient force of evil, and his girlfriend Alice who now has to face this ancient evil. This project is largely influenced by the Evil Dead films, although the horror is much more focus...
Now casting for short film "Unbroken Faith". Seeking cast. ONLY LOCAL, DC & VA TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: Some paid roles. Please include in the subject line "UF & the role you're applying for"....
Casting "Boxed In," a short film. Logline: When a man opens a cursed box in his basement, he unleashes a night of supernatural terror that may cost him his life. Synopsis: Jean’s quiet night becomes a nightmare when he discovers a mysterious box in his basement. Inside, he finds a tooth wrapped in b...
Casting men and women for "Invazion," a short film that combines drama and comedy. Further details can be found below. About the project: Tormented by the abuse of her lover, denaé aims to rid herself of her destitute life. Alas, she's driven into a corner, and now must make a decision. Whether it b...
Casting and seeking crew for "Flipped," a short student film. Logline: A self-proclaimed Prince’s lavish façade unravels when he’s kidnapped by his indebted professor, forcing him to confront his lies and discover the true value of authenticity....
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