We are looking for 2 lead actors for a music video for "Float" by John Deryck. The concept visually emphasizes the themes of emotional struggle, connection, and redemption while maintaining an intimate and cinematic feel. Please listen to the song to get a sense of the vibe : Here is the song : http...
Casting and seeking crew for "Sin Aviso (Without Warning)," a short story that focuses on the injustices of immigration and deportation in the United States. Synopsis: Follows Carlos, a hardworking immigrant father, as he balances providing for his family with the constant fear of deportation. The f...
Casting "Another," an AFI Conservatory Cycle Film. Logline: After a devastating car accident claims her husband, a grieving young widow is offered a chance to erase her pain by extracting her memories of loss— how much is she willing to sacrifice to escape the past? Note: The AFI Conservatory remain...
Casting co-host for a sizzle reel promoting a movie-based TV show/iconic online brand. To be used in the pitching/promotion of upcoming project. Host should be enthusiastic about all things movies, actors, filmmakers, behind the scenes - and passionate about sharing their passion with the audience....
Seeking Actors and Models for ongoing projects. Photoshoots, Short films, reel scenes, any creative work you can think of. Looking to build a network of individuals who just want to create and grow their portfolio....
Casting "Natalie," a small-scale piece about child abuse. Production states: "Shot from the perspective of a teenage girl who experiences hallucinations. The film attempts to tackle the heavy subject matter thoughtfully, avoiding the aestheticization of abuse. There is no nudity involved. Rather tha...
Casting "Swipe Right, Crash Left," a fast-paced, hilarious comedy that explores the perils of modern dating, social insecurities, and the obsession with online validation. Synopsis: The story follows James, an underdog struggling to navigate life, love, and financial disasters caused by his Tinder a...
Casting and seeking crew for "Sin Aviso (Without Warning)," a short story that focuses on the injustices of immigration and deportation in the United States. Synopsis: Follows Carlos, a hardworking immigrant father, as he balances providing for his family with the constant fear of deportation. The f...
Casting a comedy Youtube Series. Production states: "I live in Los Angeles but the plan would be to shoot at my families vacation getaway condo in Palm Springs. We would prepare 2-3 episodes and shoot at least once a month on one weekend. Actresses that have a bunch of other stuff going on that will...
Casting "Swipe Right, Crash Left," a fast-paced, hilarious comedy that explores the perils of modern dating, social insecurities, and the obsession with online validation. Synopsis: The story follows James, an underdog struggling to navigate life, love, and financial disasters caused by his Tinder a...
Student project A fixed dialogue cannot be changed.Plot Summary, short film under 3 Min Alan and Brandon were once close business partners, but their relationship fell apart due to disagreements over a project. Shortly after, Brandon discovered that the project he had invested in was a scam. He went...
Casting "Natasha," a short student film. Synopsis: Natasha is a professional fencer that wants to go to the world championships but can't afford the participation fee. Raised by a single mother in a dessert she gets challenged by being a girl in a male world and figuring out her family situation....
A film teacher at a community college. She falls for one of her older students and becomes his main love interest throughout the season. Role involves kissing and intimacy scenes, no nudity....
Casting "Stained Glass: A Christmas Story," a senior thesis film by Oni Akananim, a student at San Francisco State University. Logline: This poignant family drama blends themes of ambition, deception, and familial dynamics with the nostalgic warmth of Christmas traditions. The film’s visual style dr...
Casting actors for a short film called “NYE”, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: Log line: Both living at home, awkward Alden and Jazzy Lizzy navigate potential romance the last week before the new year, in this coming-of-age dramedy. Rate: Unpaid,...
Casting and seeking crew for "Sin Aviso (Without Warning)," a short story that focuses on the injustices of immigration and deportation in the United States. Synopsis: Follows Carlos, a hardworking immigrant father, as he balances providing for his family with the constant fear of deportation. The f...
Casting an arthouse dark fantasy comedy in the vein of "Monty Python's Holy Grail." Production states: "All of the costumes are handmade/hand-assembled, and almost every character is in a mask or helmet. The entire film is being made in nature, with a small and dedicated team who has experience in v...
Casting and seeking crew for "Green Arrow: Tiger's Den," a fan film/superhero project take on the character Oliver Queen AKA Green Arrow coming into conflict with a shady businessman who will push him into an altercation with a deadly enemy....
Celebrity Look-Alike Impersonator A unique opportunity is available for someone who resembles a celebrity and can deliver a convincing impersonation. This role involves working with a popular content creator in Los Angeles for a fun and engaging production. Job Responsibilities Collaborate with a cr...
Seeking Real Couples- NOT actors- this is NOT a scripted role. Casting Engaged Couples Los Angeles (Paid TV Project – Major TV Network) An acclaimed television network and a major cable network are casting for an all-new social experiment documentary series featuring engaged couples and their close ...
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