Casting "First Time Free," a short film. Synopsis: This movie explores the life of three young friends on their way home from school who catch sight of a lonely boy in a wheelchair who is never quite able to leave his home due to his overprotective mother, and the decision that is made to help break...
Casting "Monster in the Closet," a student film. Synopsis: A teen girl struggling to grow up who is forced to face the "monsters in her closet" to overcome her anxiety and heal her younger self....
Short film about a biracial couple grapples with societal perceptions as Zoey prepares for the birth of their child and her fiancé faces a life-threatening NASA mission. Caught between his humanity and duty, he must decide whether to risk his life in space or stay to protect his family....
Casting for our actor pool. Company states: "We film 4-5 out of our very own film studio in Fremont, CA. All of our films are based on life lessons."...
Casting "Owen's Secret", a graduate-level SDSU thesis film. After meeting a boy who gives him the courage to come out, Owen faces a profound and unexpected obstacle in revealing his true self to his father....
Casting Asian Actor for Short Film, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: Meal, Reel Opportunity. $150 flat Additional info: Location: San Francisco Bay Area Date: 3rd week Of November (1.5 Shoot Days) The film will have minimal dialogue but requires the actor to ...
Casting "Mark by Death," a student film. Logline: Follows a teacher who has a dark side hustle as a hitman....
Casting "Bullish," a short film about a young cop that dates an older woman from the gym, unknowingly cuckolding her husband....
Casting "Unseen Connection," a student romantic Sci-fi film shortfall about two roommates in parallel dimensions who communicate through sticky notes and discover their connection via a mysterious phone call....
Casting an adaptation of the fan-fiction “Hide and Kill,” set after the events of "The Pink Panther" and before "A Shot in the Dark," which humorously explores the initial, quirky relationship between Inspector Jacques Clouseau and his manservant Cato Fong, a man in such a position who needs help to...
Casting for "Chingado", a short film. Synopsis: After a few months of dating without having sex, Grace & Tomas have been an official monogamous couple for about 1 week. After Tomas tries to initiate sex for the first time, Grace has to reveal that she's recently contracted herpes....
Casting and seeking crew for "Fading Flora," a short experimental film. Logline: Madeleine, an up-and-coming scientist has her world turned upside down after she finds out she is pregnant. As she attempts to navigate this uncertain future with her husband, her reality starts to shift to a nightmaris...
Hiring and Casting for "Be Your Best", a sci-fi short to be filmed the first week of December (12/2 to 12/5) in Santa Clarita and Koreatown. Opportunities are paid but limited, targeting up-and-comers seeking narrative film experience/career advancement....
Casting "You S.O.B," a feature film. Logline: Out of five college roommates one is a killer....
Casting a short film that looks at the current state of the entertainment industry and those who struggle to break in....
Casting "The Pirate's Parable," a short film shooting on a real pirate ship in San Diego. Synopsis: a morally righteous fisherman has an unbroken idolization that pirates are the coolest and most beloved beings, almost like superheroes. He finally gets the opportunity to try out for a Pirate Crew af...
Seeking crew for "Transformation," a student short film that portrays a young 20-year-old boxer fighting her old rival, must find a way to get back up after getting knocked down. We have a great team assembled and are looking for a few remaining positions to fill....
Casting Call for "Neon Moon" Student Short Film. Looking for actors and extras, please see the details below. NO DIALOGUE SHORT FILM SHOOT, 2 Saturdays, 1 Sunday shoot. About the project: A reformed cowboy, Kinan, returns to his hometown after failing to make it big in the big city and for his fathe...
Casting "Trial and Error," a science fiction student film. Synopsis: Set in a city dominated by Finite Liberties, a heartless corporation, follows Thomas Trick, a student drowning in debt two years into a Finite "career" that amounts to spending every waking hour watching meaningless shapes on a scr...
Casting for "A Place For All," a short film. Short Film (30-second and 1.5-minute versions) Overview: The project aims to showcase how creative teaching, inspired by Turnaround Arts, can transform the learning experience of a struggling student. Noah, disengaged with Math, finds a new connection thr...
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