Casting a voice actor for "One Knock," a short horror film. Synopsis: Four years after Lainey’s sister, Ruby, passes away, Lainey is visited one night by a mysterious entity at the door who claims to be Ruby, wanting to be let into Lainey’s house. Lainey must overcome both her grief and the entity a...
Casting a voice actor for "One Knock," a short horror film. Synopsis: Four years after Lainey’s sister, Ruby, passes away, Lainey is visited one night by a mysterious entity at the door who claims to be Ruby, wanting to be let into Lainey’s house. Lainey must overcome both her grief and the entity a...
Casting a voice actor for "One Knock," a short horror film. Synopsis: Four years after Lainey’s sister, Ruby, passes away, Lainey is visited one night by a mysterious entity at the door who claims to be Ruby, wanting to be let into Lainey’s house. Lainey must overcome both her grief and the entity a...
Casting a voice actor for "One Knock," a short horror film. Synopsis: Four years after Lainey’s sister, Ruby, passes away, Lainey is visited one night by a mysterious entity at the door who claims to be Ruby, wanting to be let into Lainey’s house. Lainey must overcome both her grief and the entity a...
Job Description: We are seeking skilled baseball players for an upcoming episode of the HBO series "The Gilded Age." The scene will portray the 1884 Black Baseball League, and we need talented individuals to fill various positions. Job Responsibilities: • Portray baseball players in the 1884 Black B...
Job Description: We are seeking skilled baseball players for an upcoming episode of the HBO series "The Gilded Age." The scene will portray the 1884 Black Baseball League, and we need talented individuals to fill various positions. Job Responsibilities: • Portray baseball players in the 1884 Black B...
Job Description: We are seeking skilled baseball players for an upcoming episode of the HBO series "The Gilded Age." The scene will portray the 1884 Black Baseball League, and we need talented individuals to fill various positions. Job Responsibilities: • Portray baseball players in the 1884 Black B...
Job Description: We are seeking skilled baseball players for an upcoming episode of the HBO series "The Gilded Age." The scene will portray the 1884 Black Baseball League, and we need talented individuals to fill various positions. Job Responsibilities: • Portray baseball players in the 1884 Black B...
Job Description: We are seeking skilled baseball players for an upcoming episode of the HBO series "The Gilded Age." The scene will portray the 1884 Black Baseball League, and we need talented individuals to fill various positions. Job Responsibilities: • Portray baseball players in the 1884 Black B...
Casting 'Moving with Purpose,' a drama short film about a teenage dancer who strives to win first place after her mother couldn’t....
Casting 'Moving with Purpose,' a drama short film about a teenage dancer who strives to win first place after her mother couldn’t....
Casting 'Moving with Purpose,' a drama short film about a teenage dancer who strives to win first place after her mother couldn’t....
Casting 'Moving with Purpose,' a drama short film about a teenage dancer who strives to win first place after her mother couldn’t....
Casting 'Moving with Purpose,' a drama short film about a teenage dancer who strives to win first place after her mother couldn’t....
Casting 'Moving with Purpose,' a drama short film about a teenage dancer who strives to win first place after her mother couldn’t....
Casting 'Moving with Purpose,' a drama short film about a teenage dancer who strives to win first place after her mother couldn’t....
Casting 'Moving with Purpose,' a drama short film about a teenage dancer who strives to win first place after her mother couldn’t....
Casting 'Moving with Purpose,' a drama short film about a teenage dancer who strives to win first place after her mother couldn’t....
Anxiety, nervous, frightened, in existential crisis. These are some of the variations of fear. They drive us to do extraordinary things. Through this, he embarks on a crime-ridden odyssey that is filled with deep theological and religious subtext. Production states: "This project is written, directe...
Anxiety, nervous, frightened, in existential crisis. These are some of the variations of fear. Through this, he embarks on a crime ridden odyssey that is filled with deep theological and religious subtext. This project is written, directed, produced, and more, by experienced student film makers, rec...
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