Casting "Quarto Vazio (aka Empty Rooms)," a short film. Synopsis: This is a short and sweet scene between two characters from different worlds. He, a mysterious figure, is a world traveler who teaches Portuguese in New York for his own pleasure. She, tired and disillusioned with the dating scene, al...
Casting "Quarto Vazio (aka Empty Rooms)," a short film. Synopsis: This is a short and sweet scene between two characters from different worlds. He, a mysterious figure, is a world traveler who teaches Portuguese in New York for his own pleasure. She, tired and disillusioned with the dating scene, al...
Casting "Quarto Vazio (aka Empty Rooms)," a short film. Synopsis: This is a short and sweet scene between two characters from different worlds. He, a mysterious figure, is a world traveler who teaches Portuguese in New York for his own pleasure. She, tired and disillusioned with the dating scene, al...
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Casting "Welcome," a student film....
Casting "Welcome," a student film....
Casting "Welcome," a student film....
Casting "Welcome," a student film....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting "Welcome," a student film....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
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