Casting "Monster in the Closet," a student film. Synopsis: A teen girl struggling to grow up who is forced to face the "monsters in her closet" to overcome her anxiety and heal her younger self....
Casting "Owen's Secret", a graduate-level SDSU thesis film. After meeting a boy who gives him the courage to come out, Owen faces a profound and unexpected obstacle in revealing his true self to his father....
Casting "Mark by Death," a student film. Logline: Follows a teacher who has a dark side hustle as a hitman....
Casting an adaptation of the fan-fiction “Hide and Kill,” set after the events of "The Pink Panther" and before "A Shot in the Dark," which humorously explores the initial, quirky relationship between Inspector Jacques Clouseau and his manservant Cato Fong, a man in such a position who needs help to...
Casting for "Chingado", a short film. Synopsis: After a few months of dating without having sex, Grace & Tomas have been an official monogamous couple for about 1 week. After Tomas tries to initiate sex for the first time, Grace has to reveal that she's recently contracted herpes....
Casting and seeking crew for "Fading Flora," a short experimental film. Logline: Madeleine, an up-and-coming scientist has her world turned upside down after she finds out she is pregnant. As she attempts to navigate this uncertain future with her husband, her reality starts to shift to a nightmaris...
Casting "The Pirate's Parable," a short film shooting on a real pirate ship in San Diego. Synopsis: a morally righteous fisherman has an unbroken idolization that pirates are the coolest and most beloved beings, almost like superheroes. He finally gets the opportunity to try out for a Pirate Crew af...
Casting a feature film made by advanced film students from a San Diego community college. Actors must be living or able to travel to San Diego for filming. In this advanced course, 30 students are collectively producing a feature film which will have a world premier at a theater in San Diego upon co...
Casting and seeking crew for "Dissolve," a horror short film. Synopsis: follows the story of a nurse haunted by a traumatic event involving the death of her boyfriend in a car accident. Struggling to cope, she begins stealing and abusing opioids, leading her down a dark spiral of hallucinations and ...
Casting Call for Horror Short Film "Dissolve", please see the details below. About the project: Dissolve follows the story of a nurse haunted by a traumatic event involving the death of her boyfriend in a car accident. Struggling to cope, she begins stealing and abusing opioids, leading her down a d...
Casting actors for Short Film "Life Is Joyful", please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: $100 stipend per day. Additional info: Shooting will take place 2nd week of October 2024. Usage: perpetual, festivals Shoots in San Diego County and North County....
Casting a feature film made by advanced film students from a San Diego community college. Actors must be living or able to travel to San Diego for filming. In this advanced course, 30 students are collectively producing a feature film which will have a world premier at a theater in San Diego upon co...
Casting a 25-35 White/European descent female model or actress for this video. Production states: "We're filming a quick 20 second video that will land on our client's webpage as a header. The actress will scan a passport with her phone and then take a selfie. We will be filming outdoors in San Dieg...
Casting Call for "What Do We Yearn For" A graduate student short film, please see the details below. About the project: Synopsis: a small look into the dynamic between a Chinese father and son family who own a small restaurant. The short film follows them as they navigate life. Additional info: Sche...
Seeking Actors for MICRO budget feature film, please see the details below. ... Additional info: Shooting June 17th to July 5th on 16mm film! Ambitious & surreal debut film from local actor / director & a small team passionate about indie movies. No experience required. Rate: Unpaid....
Seeking Actors for MICRO budget feature film, please see the details below. ... Additional info: Shooting June 17th to July 5th on 16mm film! Ambitious & surreal debut film from local actor / director & a small team passionate about indie movies. No experience required. Rate: Unpaid....
Seeking Actors for MICRO budget feature film, please see the details below. ... Additional info: Shooting June 17th to July 5th on 16mm film! Ambitious & surreal debut film from local actor / director & a small team passionate about indie movies. No experience required. Rate: Unpaid....
Seeking Actors for MICRO budget feature film, please see the details below. ... Additional info: Shooting June 17th to July 5th on 16mm film! Ambitious & surreal debut film from local actor / director & a small team passionate about indie movies. No experience required. Rate: Unpaid....
Seeking Actors for MICRO budget feature film, please see the details below. ... Additional info: Shooting June 17th to July 5th on 16mm film! Ambitious & surreal debut film from local actor / director & a small team passionate about indie movies. No experience required. Rate: Unpaid....
Seeking Actors for MICRO budget feature film, please see the details below. ... Additional info: Shooting June 17th to July 5th on 16mm film! Ambitious & surreal debut film from local actor / director & a small team passionate about indie movies. No experience required. Rate: Unpaid....
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