Casting "Unspoken," an intimate short drama. Synopsis: about a father and daughter, Tom and Isabel, grappling with grief and emotional distance following the death of their family matriarch. Set in the family garage, where they work together on a broken-down car, the film explores themes of family r...
Film is about A teenage boy is tasked with a weekend of chores by his overbearing parents, but when the author of his favorite comic book is in town, he must decide whether to meet him for the opportunity to showcase his own comic book he’s been working for months or defy his parents and ditch his h...
Join our enchanting team at The Elf Bar, a whimsical pop-up Christmas experience dedicated to spreading holiday cheer! As an Elf Character, you will engage with guests, create a festive atmosphere, and help bring our magical holiday experience to life! Key Responsibilities: Guest Engagement: Welcome...
Casting "Unspoken," an intimate short drama. Synopsis: about a father and daughter, Tom and Isabel, grappling with grief and emotional distance following the death of their family matriarch. Set in the family garage, where they work together on a broken-down car, the film explores themes of family r...
Casting actor for "Best Interview Ever" Short Film, please see the details below. About the project: Synopsis: an average man going into an average interview... Except he can't seem to get rid of a hype man that follows him everywhere. Rate: Non-paid but snacks, lunch, and credit will be provided! A...
Seeking local Seattle actors for a short film. Logline: A woman's husband has borrowed money from a loan shark and has not paid it back. She has to deal with the consequences....
About the project: A Filipino couple reminiscing on how they fell in love. Inspired & dedicated to the Director's parents stories they told her growing up about the Philippines. Not required, but directors encourage you to apply if you are a native Tagalog speaker. Directors will have a makeup artis...
Casting actors for "Through The Darkness" Student Film, please see the details below. About the project: Logline: A young woman faces life trials in isolation, deepening her faith in Jesus. Will her faith guide her to the light? Additional info: Film Shoot Dates: January 11th, 2025 January 18th, 202...
Casting "Junqua," an New York University Graduate student second year film. Note: Primarily looking for an indigenous actor to fill father/son roles....
Collecting cast for a horror short for the Seattle 48 Hour Horror Film Festival. "The films our lead actor and crew worked on this past year won Best Acting Ensemble, Best Art Design, Best Sound Design, and Best Use Of Dialogue."...
Casting "Bleed," a short film. Synopsis: Benji and Joshua, two brothers who become estranged after the passing of their father, struggle with unresolved tensions. Benji, adopted and burdened by expectations he never wanted, and Joshua, desperate for recognition and validation, find themselves on a c...
Casting actors for "Facade" Halloween Short Film, please see the details below. About the project: Synopsis: a masked man tries to integrate into society. Rate: Unpaid however Meals & Credit will be provided. Additional info: Each supporting role will take a little over an hour to film their scene. ...
Seeking a couple to film some b-roll of themselves planning ahead and getting their funeral and cremation plans sorted ahead of time through a company. The b-roll will include the talent performing everyday activities such as walking outside, reading in a house, etc....
Collecting cast for a horror short for the Seattle 48 Hour Horror Film Festival. "The films our lead actor and crew worked on this past year won Best Acting Ensemble, Best Art Design, Best Sound Design, and Best Use Of Dialogue."...
Casting "Indigo Elsewhere," a micro-budget independent queer film. Synopsis: A story about an aimless young woman with a secret ability to Mindspeak - a unique form of visual-emotional telepathy. She has revealed this secret to no one until she meets June, another drifting trans woman like herself. ...
Casting a native Russian speakers for a short film shot on celluloid. Renata and Boris are recently separated immigrants from Russia, co-parenting their daughter, Katya, in Seattle. Renata works long shifts at a fish factory, while Boris works construction. One day, Renata receives a phone call from...
In a future where most of humanity lives underground and inside a simulated Earth, a global cyberattack leaves Earth’s population in ruins, forcing the sim's creator, her wife and ragtag band of survivors to do whatever it takes to save what’s left of mankind from total destruction. Production DISCL...
Casting female actors in the Seattle area for mobile game user acquisition ads. The shoots are quick, fun, and generally easy and we film multiple skits at a time. Energy and authenticity are two primary attributes we'll be looking for. Comfort working with other improvisational actors is a plus! Ap...
Casting female actors in the Seattle area for mobile game user acquisition ads. The shoots are quick, fun, and generally easy and we film multiple skits at a time. Energy and authenticity are two primary attributes we'll be looking for. Comfort working with other improvisational actors is a plus! Ap...
Casting female actors in the Seattle area for mobile game user acquisition ads. The shoots are quick, fun, and generally easy and we film multiple skits at a time. Energy and authenticity are two primary attributes we'll be looking for. Comfort working with other improvisational actors is a plus! Ap...
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