Casting "The Flowers," a short introspective drama. Synopsis: Explores themes of disconnection, societal critique, and personal growth. The film follows Monica, a college student, as she navigates a lonely nighttime walk that becomes a journey through her fears and reflections. Production states: "T...
Casting and seeking crew for "Peace Unto You," the sequel to the film "The Jesus Freak" (available on Prime). Production states: "The film will debut globally on Amazon Prime and Fawesome Streaming Service."...
When a group of mischievous teenagers prank-call their neighbor, they unknowingly set off a chain of violent events that threatens their lives and forces them to confront the dark consequences of their actions. Filming in the Dallas area in December 2024. Talent must be able to work local....
Casting "Ali Days," an experimental feature film. Logline: Ali decides to go on a last-minute cruise. The film will capture her every day on the cruise. The project is improved based, and will be filmed off an outline....
Background Actors for Diner and Bowling Alley Scenes in Feature Film Job Description: Brock Allen Casting is seeking background actors to portray patrons for an upcoming feature film shooting in Austin, TX. We are looking for men and women of any ethnicity, aged 20-65, to appear as either diner patr...
Casting "Sincerely Brad," a short film starring Emmy nominated actor Patrick Walker. Brad finds himself dealing with an internal battle when being asked to go to the moon in the middle of his wife's pregnancy, what decision will Brad choose?...
This is a great opportunity for individuals to represent a major telecommunications brand in a professional production setting. All travel and accommodations will be provided, and participants will be compensated at SAG scale rates. Follow direction on set to ensure a smooth and successful productio...
Casting "W. Mulberry St.," a short film following a paranoid woman who finds herself trapped in a loop where reality and memories seem to merge into something much darker....
This is a fantastic opportunity to be part of a 1960s-themed production set in a stylish and lively atmosphere. Portray New York piano bar patrons authentically, adhering to the production’s 1960s aesthetic. Must be available for wardrobe fittings in Austin, TX, between December 9-13. Reliable, punc...
Seeking Asian-American actors/actresses for an upcoming student short film. Synopsis: Facing the end of her life, a young woman reconnects with important figures of her life and the mother she barely remembers, finding closure in her final journey....
A short film following a paranoid woman who finds herself trapped in a loop where reality and memories seem to merge into something much darker....
Casting "Unseen Justice," a feature film. Logline: About a family (dad, mom, and son) whose lives are torn apart by a kidnapping. What happens to all of them after the incident will change everything. Writer states: "I’ve written 150 feature scripts and this is the first of three projects next year....
Casting and seeking crew for "Ghosted," a short student film. Logline: The film is about two girls who both match with this one guy on a dating app, but only one girl gets the guy and the other ends up getting ghosted. Note: Little dialogue involved....
Casting a feature-film shooting in Houston, Texas about a Mexican American actor who lies that he's fluent in Spanish to get cast in a movie and struggles to not only learn the language and hide the facade, but identify with a culture he has long dismissed....
Join the two-part globetrotting adventure as a mysterious group forms an uneasy alliance with a young vigilante in order to settle the score and find a mysterious talisman from the past. SEQUEL TO THE FILM LISTED ON THE PRODUCTION WEBSITE....
Looking to cast actors for a full-length feature film. Please, see the details below. Additional info: Must be able to convey a range of emotions convincingly. Preferably in the Dallas-Ft. Worth the metroplex area. This is a fantastic chance to build your thespian portfolio and gain exposure....
This role requires individuals who can bring presence and authenticity to the screen. Job Responsibilities: Portray a character with a large or heavy set frame in a commercial setting. Follow on-set directions to help bring the vision of the commercial to life. Requirements:...
Casting a feature-film shooting in Houston, Texas about a Mexican American actor who lies that he's fluent in Spanish to get cast in a movie and struggles to not only learn the language and hide the facade, but identify with a culture he has long dismissed....
Actors wanted for "Never Fold" an upcoming film project. See details below. Additional info: Location: Dallas, TX. Each character has a unique personality, background, and role within the storyline, contributing to the intensity and depth of the film. To be considered, please apply....
Actors for an upcoming comedy film. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Please see the details below. Additional info: Location: Houston, TX. When applying, please send your headshot & actor reel....
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