Casting "Seven Destinations," a short film that follows Cora, a young woman who finds herself trapped on a late-night subway ride and tormented by an evil being known as the Voice, is an exciting opportunity for actors looking to delve into a thrilling and suspenseful narrative. The character of Cor...
Casting elderly woman to deliver one line in a short film....
The project is set in Harlem, New York, and applicants must be able to work as a local hire... Job Responsibilities: • Portray the character of a Lead FBI Agent with authenticity and intensity. • Act out scenes that involve violence and require a strong emotional performance. Requirements: • Comfort...
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Shit. Meet. Fan." a play....
The project is set in Harlem, New York, and applicants must be able to work as a local hire... Job Responsibilities: • Portray the character of a Lead FBI Agent with authenticity and intensity. • Act out scenes that involve violence and require a strong emotional performance. Requirements: • Comfort...
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Shit. Meet. Fan." a play....
Casting "Seven Destinations," a short film that follows Cora, a young woman who finds herself trapped on a late-night subway ride and tormented by an evil being known as the Voice, is an exciting opportunity for actors looking to delve into a thrilling and suspenseful narrative. The character of Cor...
Casting "Seven Destinations," a short film that follows Cora, a young woman who finds herself trapped on a late-night subway ride and tormented by an evil being known as the Voice, is an exciting opportunity for actors looking to delve into a thrilling and suspenseful narrative. The character of Cor...
The project is set in Harlem, New York, and applicants must be able to work as a local hire... Job Responsibilities: • Portray the character of a Lead FBI Agent with authenticity and intensity. • Act out scenes that involve violence and require a strong emotional performance. Requirements: • Comfort...
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Shit. Meet. Fan." a play....
Perfect Side Job (Weekends) For Actors / Actresses, Teachers, Nannys, College Students, Internships, etc. * Self Empowerment through providing high energy. * Providing Children with Lifetime...
Perfect Side Job (Weekends) For Actors / Actresses, Teachers, Nannys, College Students, Internships, etc. * Self Empowerment through providing high energy. * Providing Children with Lifetime...
Perfect Side Job (Weekends) For Actors / Actresses, Teachers, Nannys, College Students, Internships, etc. * Self Empowerment through providing high energy. * Providing Children with Lifetime...
Perfect Side Job (Weekends) For Actors / Actresses, Teachers, Nannys, College Students, Internships, etc. * Self Empowerment through providing high energy. * Providing Children with Lifetime...
Perfect Side Job (Weekends) For Actors / Actresses, Teachers, Nannys, College Students, Internships, etc. * Self Empowerment through providing high energy. * Providing Children with Lifetime...
Perfect Side Job (Weekends) For Actors / Actresses, Teachers, Nannys, College Students, Internships, etc. * Self Empowerment through providing high energy. * Providing Children with Lifetime...
Perfect Side Job (Weekends) For Actors / Actresses, Teachers, Nannys, College Students, Internships, etc. * Self Empowerment through providing high energy. * Providing Children with Lifetime...
Perfect Side Job (Weekends) For Actors / Actresses, Teachers, Nannys, College Students, Internships, etc. * Self Empowerment through providing high energy. * Providing Children with Lifetime...
Perfect Side Job (Weekends) For Actors / Actresses, Teachers, Nannys, College Students, Internships, etc. * Self Empowerment through providing high energy. * Providing Children with Lifetime...
I am looking for subjects who have experienced anxiety or any other mental stress and would be open to record brief audio of their experiences as well as to model for a set of creative photographs for the exhibition. Must be comfortable... to shoot in your home. I can offer hi-res edited photos, cre...
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