Casting "Burnt Out 2," a story about a college student working in the same retail store as a problematic group project member. Production states: "This is a passion project, and would go great on your resume."...
Casting "Notorious Nymphs Never Die" a pilot film to kick off a larger series of mixed media. Synopsis: A group of vigilante's kidnaps a police chief's son in a revenge driven, ransom thriller where everything that can go wrong, does. I apologize for the many delays, the pre production crew is just ...
Casting "Burnt Out 2," a story about a college student working in the same retail store as a problematic group project member. Production states: "This is a passion project, and would go great on your resume."...
Seeking 2 actors to appear in short testimonial-style videos for a trading platform. The content will focus on discussing the benefits of using trading signals and an automated trading bot, filmed in an authentic and relatable tone....
Seeking NY metro based diverse singers/actors/dancers/acrobats to perform Rimli Roy's "Ramaavan- A Musical" between 14th October - 24th October 2024 for an India Tour and from 4th November to 10th November in New York city....
Casting "Notorious Nymphs Never Die" a pilot film to kick off a larger series of mixed media. Synopsis: A group of vigilante's kidnaps a police chief's son in a revenge driven, ransom thriller where everything that can go wrong, does. I apologize for the many delays, the pre production crew is just ...
Seeking NY metro based diverse singers/actors/dancers/acrobats to perform Rimli Roy's "Ramaavan- A Musical" between 14th October - 24th October 2024 for an India Tour and from 4th November to 10th November in New York city....
Casting "Notorious Nymphs Never Die" a pilot film to kick off a larger series of mixed media. Synopsis: A group of vigilante's kidnaps a police chief's son in a revenge driven, ransom thriller where everything that can go wrong, does. I apologize for the many delays, the pre production crew is just ...
Casting "Burnt Out 2," a story about a college student working in the same retail store as a problematic group project member. Production states: "This is a passion project, and would go great on your resume."...
Casting "Burnt Out 2," a story about a college student working in the same retail store as a problematic group project member. Production states: "This is a passion project, and would go great on your resume."...
Casting "Burnt Out 2," a story about a college student working in the same retail store as a problematic group project member. Production states: "This is a passion project, and would go great on your resume."...
Casting "Notorious Nymphs Never Die" a pilot film to kick off a larger series of mixed media. Synopsis: A group of vigilante's kidnaps a police chief's son in a revenge driven, ransom thriller where everything that can go wrong, does. I apologize for the many delays, the pre production crew is just ...
Seeking a talented female vocalist and performer for upscale events. Well-established, high-energy band looking for a female lead singer to join its team and bring personality, professionalism, and charisma to every performance. Production states: "Hi-End Events Company, highly sought after, energet...
Seeking a talented female vocalist and performer for upscale events. Well-established, high-energy band looking for a female lead singer to join its team and bring personality, professionalism, and charisma to every performance. Production states: "Hi-End Events Company, highly sought after, energet...
Casting "Night Owl," a Columbia University thesis film. Logline: A young wife and mother rediscovers her long-forgotten passion when she is granted the ability to live without sleep. It is deeply important to me to explore her world because it’s one I imagine for myself, one that excites me but begs...
**Overview:** Gateway Playhouse, Bellport, is seeking talented actors to join our interactive theatrical attraction, Gateway's Haunted Playhouse. We are holding an open casting call for actors to portray characters in this haunt-style production. As a Haunt Actor, you will work closely with the publ...
**Overview:** Gateway Playhouse, Bellport, is seeking talented actors to join our interactive theatrical attraction, Gateway's Haunted Playhouse. We are holding an open casting call for actors to portray characters in this haunt-style production. As a Haunt Actor, you will work closely with the publ...
**Overview:** Gateway Playhouse, Bellport, is seeking talented actors to join our interactive theatrical attraction, Gateway's Haunted Playhouse. We are holding an open casting call for actors to portray characters in this haunt-style production. As a Haunt Actor, you will work closely with the publ...
Actors Fund Home, an assisted living, skilled nursing, accredited dementia care and sub-acute rehabilitation center located in Englewood, NJ, and a recipient of a CMS Five Star Rating is seeking Licensed Practical Nurses to provide direct nursing care under the supervision of an RN to our residents ...
Casting call for "Silent Fury" project. Seeking actors. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. See the roles below. About the project: Synopsis: A retired superhero, devastated by his daughter’s death in a hit and run, seeks revenge after the man responsible is acquitted in court....
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