Casting "Hide and Seek," a romantic drama that focuses on Jada, a financially struggling college student who meets Alex, an amateurish college student dealing with family issues. Jada is seeking answers about her brother's mysterious new job leads her into trouble, while we simultaneously see her hi...
Casting actors for "Cut" Horror Film, please see the details below. Additional info: Please see the attachment for flyer. Please apply if interested....
Join Mad Science of Houston as a Performer! With flexible hours, you can choose when you’re available and work around your schedule. The science we present is fun and simple, and we’ll provide all the training you need to become a skilled Science Show Performer. Whether you’re looking for a fun side...
Casting actors for Season 3 Bordersville TV Series, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Additional info: Please bring Headshots, Resume and be ready to perform a scene or monologue...
Job Description We are seeking a Bluey character performer to join our immersive production team. The ideal candidate will be between 5'0...
Casting and seeking crew for "Lily," a heartfelt coming-of-age drama. Synopsis: Delves deep into themes of identity, faith, and the redemptive power of love. This emotionally rich film follows Lily, a 14-year-old girl caught between her conservative upbringing and her burgeoning sense of self. After...
Seeking talent for the ultimate immersive adventure production of "The Alice Experience." Logline: The Alice Experience is a 90-minute topsy-turvy journey into the magical realm of Wonderland. Note: For those who are curious, this is the tea party to end all tea parties. A theatrical, alternate real...
What is American Immersion Theater? Here at American Immersion Theater, we want to break that fourth wall and give people a chance to be a part of the story. With your help, we get to do just that. Advantages of Acting with American Immersion Theater As a member of our team what you do really matter...
The theatre show "Iolanthe" looking for talent. If multiple pieces are offered, one of your selections should be of comedic nature. You may be asked to read a side from the script (selections will be posted one week before auditions; the Gilbert and Sullivan Archive is also a reputable resource). if...
Casting "Hide and Seek," a romantic drama that focuses on Jada, a financially struggling college student who meets Alex, an amateurish college student dealing with family issues. Jada is seeking answers about her brother's mysterious new job leads her into trouble, while we simultaneously see her hi...
About the position The role involves self-submission of audition tapes, and candidates should be comfortable discussing current political issues passionately. Responsibilities • Submit a self-tape audition based on provided scripts. , • Choose and download sides that resonate personally. Benefits • ...
About the position This position is for actors, actresses, or models to participate in a paid gig for a YouTube and social media skit. The role is open to individuals with no prior experience, making it accessible for newcomers in the acting field. Responsibilities • Participate in a YouTube/social ...
Seeking Performers: young, attractive men and women to portray various princess, super hero, prince, and pirate characters at birthday parties and other events. Must be: energetic, well-spoken, punctual and reliable. Previous entertainment experience is recommended but not required. Pay starts at $7...
Casting Call: Lead Role – Abel (Documentary-Style Film) Job Description Seeking a talented Hispanic male actor, aged 25-35, for the lead role of Abel in a proof-of-concept production for a documentary-style narrative film. Job Responsibilities Engage in direct-to-camera interviews and cinematic reen...
Seeking models of all ages (children, teens, adults, and seniors) for a fun and vibrant birthday-themed outdoor photoshoot in the suburbs of the greater Houston area. Production states: "This photoshoot will feature a joyful and celebratory atmosphere, perfect for those looking to add unique, high-q...
This position involves participating as an actor in a national paternity court show, where individuals will be compensated for their appearance. The show aims to engage a diverse audience and is recorded via Zoom, allowing participants to film from any location. Talent will be required for short cli...
Seeking models of all ages for a Christmas-themed outdoor photoshoot at a Winter Wonderland park in the greater Houston area. This is a TFP collaboration, meaning there is no monetary compensation, but all models will receive high-quality digital copies of their images for personal or portfolio use....
Casting Call for Stunt Performer – Major A-List Artist Music Video (Houston, TX) Job Description: Esprit Casting is seeking a male African-American stunt performer for a high-profile music video featuring a major A-list artist. The role requires comfort with stunt fighting and wrestling in a profess...
Casting "Locked In." In being forced to live together they go through ups and downs and discover a lot about each other during the process. Her mom is a rich tv personality with a reality show. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU ARE OVER 17. 18 MIGHT BE OKAY BUT NOTHING OVER....
Casting 'By Chance'. Shooting in Houston, TX with tentative dates set at 1/10-1/11. Sypnosis: The story follows a wealthy, charming, yet socially awkward man as he navigates the complexities of modern relationships. Despite his success, he struggles to connect with women on a deeper level until he m...
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