Casting background actors for "Throw Me Somethin' Mister!" a USC thesis film. Synopsis: Amidst the crude spectacle of Mardi Gras, an ambitious female politician battles to "become a king" in the male-dominated boys' club of Louisiana politics, vying for a vacant Court justice seat that could sway ab...
Casting for "A Place For All," a short film. Short Film (30-second and 1.5-minute versions) Overview: The project aims to showcase how creative teaching, inspired by Turnaround Arts, can transform the learning experience of a struggling student. Noah, disengaged with Math, finds a new connection thr...
Looking to find fellow young filmmakers and actors who are looking to create a name for themselves. I want to create content within our community of different shorts in which we each get to shine (think of rdc or other sketch groups, but this is more film based). I want to make it big and we could a...
Casting "10 Actors Cry for $10,000," a darkly comedic satire where ten actors are pitted against each other in a bizarre and high-stakes crying competition, all for the grand prize of $10,000. Contestants must dig deep into their emotional reserves to out-cry their opponents, while judges critique e...
Withdraw is a 16mm short film discussing human exploitation, the weight of choice, and ethics....
Casting "On Set", a comedic short film that takes place in one continuous shot, follows crew members on a set for a comedy sketch as they race to go up for the first shot....
Casting and seeking crew for "Pick Me," a romantic comedy short film. Synopsis: About a jaded single woman who faces intense pressure from her family to find a husband and is forced to confront her insecurities when she gets the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to star in her own reality datin...
Job Summary Pacific Lead Group is casting actors and actresses of all ages for a unique commercial shoot happening in Burbank/Los Angeles this October 8th, 9th, and 10th. • Skills: • Ability to take direction and work in a team-oriented environment. Requirements: • Must be available for filming on O...
We are casting background actors for Samantha, an MFA thesis film from the University of Southern California, and would love to have you join us for our upcoming shoot in Whittier, CA on Saturday and Sunday, October 12 & 13. Specifically, we are looking for backgrounds as POKER PLAYERS, DEALERS, and...
Seeking talent to potentially work in upcoming commercials, movies, and TV shows....
Casting ''Don't Shoot Me, I'm Shy'' a mafia cartel short comedy, to be submitted to film festivals....
Scare Actor We are looking for talented, high-energy scare actors with stamina to entertain our guests every shownight! Actors and actresses work in and around the haunted house performing for visitors. If you like to hide in dark corners, waiting to scare your friends and family, you are the perfec...
Casting for Feature Film Retreat of the Heart. Looking for hospital staff (Nurses, Patients,Dr’s etc) If you have your own Scrubs it’s a plus. And also looking for a Kareem Grimes look alike....
Casting "I'm Not In Love," a music video about a Priest who isn't sure whether or not to continue Priesthood, or if he should have a family. Note: You would not have to lip-sync....
Casting "Love Story," a short movie (15/20 min) about love and freedom....
Casting a project for the intermediate directing class, which is a vital class, preparing for further capstone thesis project. The purpose of this project is to focus on working with professional actors to create collaborative work in a safe place to risk all with an emphasis on acting....
Casting for a student thesis at LAFS...
Casting the lead role, a teenager that grapples with making a tough, agonizing choice that could be life-altering, in "The Distraction," a short student film....
Drama Is a poignant short film that explores themes of redemption and human connection in a harsh, unforgiving landscape. Set in a desolate desert under the blistering sun, the narrative follows a weary man in a black suit as he navigates the parched terrain, grappling with his own survival. As he s...
Casting background roles in a new Hulu series. Alessi Hartigan Casting is working on this new Hulu series with a major cast....
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