Casting "Inner Journey," a documentary. Production states: "Men often spend their lives pursing success in the outer world, but neglecting their own inner pain. This experimental short film explores that topic, merging documentary and poetic elements."...
Seeking young, imaginative participants for a captivating project where children share their dreams, and fears, and face life's crossroads through storytelling and creative expression. This concise session involves an interactive Q&A exploring their future aspirations and concerns. Additionally, wil...
Seeking young, imaginative participants for a captivating project where children share their dreams, and fears, and face life's crossroads through storytelling and creative expression. This concise session involves an interactive Q&A exploring their future aspirations and concerns. Additionally, wil...
Casting "Inner Journey," a documentary. Production states: "Men often spend their lives pursing success in the outer world, but neglecting their own inner pain. This experimental short film explores that topic, merging documentary and poetic elements."...
Casting "Inner Journey," a documentary. Production states: "Men often spend their lives pursing success in the outer world, but neglecting their own inner pain. This experimental short film explores that topic, merging documentary and poetic elements."...
Seeking young, imaginative participants for a captivating project where children share their dreams, and fears, and face life's crossroads through storytelling and creative expression. This concise session involves an interactive Q&A exploring their future aspirations and concerns. Additionally, wil...
Casting "Inner Journey," a documentary. Production states: "Men often spend their lives pursing success in the outer world, but neglecting their own inner pain. This experimental short film explores that topic, merging documentary and poetic elements."...
Casting "Inner Journey," a documentary. Production states: "Men often spend their lives pursing success in the outer world, but neglecting their own inner pain. This experimental short film explores that topic, merging documentary and poetic elements."...
Seeking young, imaginative participants for a captivating project where children share their dreams, and fears, and face life's crossroads through storytelling and creative expression. This concise session involves an interactive Q&A exploring their future aspirations and concerns. Additionally, wil...
Casting "Inner Journey," a documentary. Production states: "Men often spend their lives pursing success in the outer world, but neglecting their own inner pain. This experimental short film explores that topic, merging documentary and poetic elements."...
Seeking young, imaginative participants for a captivating project where children share their dreams, and fears, and face life's crossroads through storytelling and creative expression. This concise session involves an interactive Q&A exploring their future aspirations and concerns. Additionally, wil...
Seeking four actors for a sit down reading of a new children's musical on Sunday, April 14th from 2-4 PM at New Musicals Inc theater space in Burbank, CA. There are no rehearsals. Each will read several roles in a 39 page script that also includes lyrics, so dialogue is actually less than 39 pages. ...
Grounded drama, but ends with a supernatural twist. Logline: After breaking up with his boyfriend, a writer goes on a promising first date. His insecure ex, however, isn’t quite ready to move on… Writer-Director Ted Bronson has an MFA in Screenwriting from Loyola Marymount University, was recently t...
Grounded drama, but ends with a supernatural twist. Logline: After breaking up with his boyfriend, a writer goes on a promising first date. His insecure ex, however, isn’t quite ready to move on… Writer-Director Ted Bronson has an MFA in Screenwriting from Loyola Marymount University, was recently t...
Grounded drama, but ends with a supernatural twist. Logline: After breaking up with his boyfriend, a writer goes on a promising first date. His insecure ex, however, isn’t quite ready to move on… Writer-Director Ted Bronson has an MFA in Screenwriting from Loyola Marymount University, was recently t...
Grounded drama, but ends with a supernatural twist. Logline: After breaking up with his boyfriend, a writer goes on a promising first date. His insecure ex, however, isn’t quite ready to move on… Writer-Director Ted Bronson has an MFA in Screenwriting from Loyola Marymount University, was recently t...
Grounded drama, but ends with a supernatural twist. Logline: After breaking up with his boyfriend, a writer goes on a promising first date. His insecure ex, however, isn’t quite ready to move on… Writer-Director Ted Bronson has an MFA in Screenwriting from Loyola Marymount University, was recently t...
Seeking male, female and child talent for a historical reenactment scene for TV show Discovery Channel....
Seeking male, female and child talent for a historical reenactment scene for TV show Discovery Channel....
Seeking male, female and child talent for a historical reenactment scene for TV show Discovery Channel....
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